Ciocolata de casa de post. In ultima perioada am simtit nevoia de a reduce consumul alimentelor de provenienta animala, inca din sarcina am remarcat asta chiar. Pentru ca stiu ca si voi cautati in aceasta perioada retete de post, pornind de la reteta mea de ciocolata de casa fara zahar, va propun azi varianta ei de post MEGA delicioasa, o veti adora :)


Intr-o craticioara, la foc mic, punem indulcitorul (rasnit fin ca sa se dizolve repede sau puteti folosi Green Sugar pudra) si 80ml de apa plata, amestecam pana acesta se dizolva. Adaugam untul vegan taiat cubulet (l-am luat din Carrefour) e si amestecam totul pe foc pana se topeste untul.

Punem si ingredientele uscate: pudra de cacao, laptele praf de cocos si omogenizam bine cu un tel, pana nu mai sunt cocoloase. La final adaugam vanilia, romul, nucile si alunele de padure tocate grosier si merisoarele deshidratate :) Eu le folosesc pe acestea, sunt indulcite cu suc de mere.

Turnam crema de ciocolata intr-o forma de silicon pentru chec (sau una normala tapetata cu folie alimentara), o introducem la rece pana se intareste si poate fi taiata frumos, eu o tin in congelator 4 ore sau chiar peste noapte. Apoi se poate tine in frigider.

Puteti taia ciocolata cubulete sau batoane, dupa cum doriti. O alta varianta e sa o turnati in mini forme de silicon ca acestea, dar oricum se mananca in cantitati micute, cate o patratica mica, e foarte foarte satioasa aceasta ciocolata :) Pofta mare! Ciocolata de casa de post.

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Lately I have been feeling the need to eat less animal products, even during my pregnancy. And because I know you are searching for vegan recipes now, with the Christmas religious fasting, I present yo you, starting from my sugar free homemade chocolate recipe, the best vegan homemade chocolate fudge!


  • 250 g coconut powdered milk
  • 200 g Naturli vegan block
  • 100 g erythritol (or favorite sweetener, to taste)
  • 4 tbsp cocoa (20 g)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp Stroh rum or 1 tsp rum essence
  • 100 g hazelnuts, walnuts, dried cranberries

bring to a boil in a saucepan 80 ml of water and the finely ground sweetener. Add the vegan butter cut into cubes and stir until it melts. Add the dry ingredients: cocoa and coconut powdered milk, stir until there are no more lumps.

In the end add the vanilla, rum and fold in the ad ins: hazelnuts, walnuts, cranberries. Pour in a silicone mold and place in the freezer until set and easy to cut. It can be stores in the fridge after that.

It is very satiating, eat only one small cube at a time :) Another option would be to pour it into these mini brownie silicone molds. Enjoy!

5 Comments on Ciocolata de casa de post / Vegan homemade chocolate (VIDEO)

    • Buna Veronica, nu stiu ce sa zic, nu am incercat, acela e ffff satios, nu cred ca ar merge aceeasi cantitate… O seara frumoasa!

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