Ciorba de loboda si leurda. Aveam doar 3 legaturi de loboda, dar imi era pofta de o ciorba de loboda. Uitandu-ma in sertarul de legume, am zarit niste leurda obosita :)) La o cautare rapida pe Google am vazut ca au mai incercat cativa asa ceva, asa ca am purces la drum :)) Aveti aici si reteta mea de ciorba de loboda simpla :)


  • 3 legaturi de loboda
  • 2 legaturi de leurda
  • 2 lg ulei de masline
  • 2 cepe verzi
  • 2 fire de usturoi verde
  • 1 ceapa
  • 1 morcov, 1 pastarnac
  • 450ml bors
  • 1 ou
  • 1/2 lgt sare
  • leustean pentru servit

Incalzim uleiul in oala, calim ceapa alba, ceapa verde si usturoiul verde tocate, adaugam putina apa dupa ce s-au rumenit, cam 400ml. Adaugam morcovul si pastarnacul date pe razatoare.

Cand sunt fierte radacinoasele, dupa aprox 5 min, tocam verdeturile: loboda si leurda, si le adaugam in oala. Lasam totul sa dea in clocot, verdeturile se fac repede, apoi adaugam borsul, asezonam cu sare si mai lasam totul sa fiarba putin.

La final, dupa ce stingem focul adaugam un ou batut. Servim ciorba calda, cu smantana si mult leustean. Mie imi place si rece :) E acra si foarte bogata, yummy, pofta mare!


I had only 3 bunches of red mountain spinach and I was really craving this soup. Checking my veggies drawer in the fridge, I saw some bear’s garlic :)) Quickly searching Google,I found I a couple of others have tried this, so I went straight to business :)) Here is my classic red mountain spinach soup.


  • 3 bunches of red mountain spinach
  • 2 bunches of bear’s garlic
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 spring onions
  • 2 cloves of green garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot, 1 parsnip
  • 450ml bran
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2tsp salt
  • chopped lovage for serving

Heat the oil in a pan, saute the chopped onion, spring onion and green garlic, add a little water (about 400ml) after they’ve brownded very little. Add the grated carrot and parsnip.

When the root vegetables are boiled, in about 5 min, add the chopped herbs: red mountain spinach and bear’s garlic. Let it all boil one more time, because the herbs are boiled quickly, then ad the bran, salt and boil a little more.

In the end, after stopping the gas, add the beaten egg. Serve warm, with freshly served lovage and sour cream. I like it cold, too, it’s so rich and sour :) Enjoy!

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