Ciorba de loboda e ciorba mea preferata inca din copilarie, eram cea mai fericita cand o facea bunica :) Asa ca vreau sa va prezint reteta ei de ciorba de loboda, bogata, cu multe legume si acrrra. E super buna cu smantana si leustean, e una din mancarurile mele preferate de primavara :)
- 1 ceapa mare
- 3 linguri de ulei
- 150g telina
- 3 morcovi
- 3 cepe verzi
- 1 ardei gras
- 6 legaturi de loboda
- 750ml bors
- 1 ou
- sare, piper
- leustean proaspat, smantana pentru servit
Calim intr-o oala incapatoare in uleiul incins ceapa tocata si morcovii si telina date pe razatoare; dupa ce s-au rumenit f putin si sunt translucide, adaugam apa cat sa fie acoperite (1.5L am pus eu).
Adaugam apoi restul legumelor tocate: ardeiul gras, ceapa verde, telina Apio (am adaugat pentru ca am avut f putina radacina de telina), sare si piper si mai lasam ciorba pe foc aprox 10 min, pana legumele sunt fierte.
Adaugam borsul, loboda tocata grosier si lasam ciorba sa mai dea un clocot, iar in ultimul minut adaugam oul batut. Inainte de servire presaram leustean proaspat tocat deasupra. E delicioasa atat calda, cat si rece :) Pofta mare!
*Baby-friendly: nu caliti legumele, folositi foarte putina sare doar dupa varsta de 1 an, iar piper cu masura, fiind un condiment puternic si iritant gastric.
Red mountain spinach soup is my favorite of all time, I used to love it since I was little, when my grandma made it I was super happy :) So here’s her rich, nutritious and sour soup recipe. It’s super delicious with sour cream, it’s one of my favorite spring dishes :)
- 1 large onion
- 3 tbsp oil
- 150 g celeriac
- 3 carrots
- 3 spring onions
- 1 bell pepper
- 6 bunches of red mountain spinach
- 750 ml fermented wheat bran
- 1 egg
- salt, pepper
- fresh lovage, sour cream for serving
Saute in a soup pot in the hot oil the grated carrots and celeriac, chopped onion; once they have browned just a little and became translucent, add water enough to cover them (I used 1.5L).
Add the rest of the chopped vegetables: bell pepper, spring onions, celery sticks (I used them because I had very little celeriac), salt and pepper and let it simmer for about 10 min, until all the veggies are cooked.
Add the fermented wheat bran, roughly chopped red mountai spinach and let the soup bring to one last boil, then add the beaten egg at the end. It’s delicious both hot and cold :) Enjoy!