Imi plac mult ciupercile, dar gatite in acest fel, la tigaie, sunt de departe garnitura mea preferata! Ciuperci la tigaie cu usturoi. Le-am servit cu mult patrunjel, o friptura frageda si suculenta de pui si un cub de unt, am mancat de ne-am lins pe degete :))) Suuuper bun!

Ingrediente (2 portii):

  • 500g ciuperci Champignon
  • 1 cub de unt
  • 1 catel de usturoi
  • cateva fire de patrunjel
  • 1/4 lgt sare
  • 1 praf de piper
  • 1/4 lgt cimbru proaspat sau uscat (optional)

Curatam ciupercile frecandu-le usor cu o carpa sau prosop de bucatarie umezit (foarte curat bineinteles). Le taiem bucatele potrivite, in functie de dimensiunea lor. Incingem cubul de unt in tigaie la foc mare si adaugam ciupercile.

Gatim ciupercile cam 5 min, amestecand din cand in cand, pana acestea se inmoaie suficient si zeama lor scade. Adaugam catelul de usturoi pisat, mai lasam totul pe foc maxim 1 min, iar la final adaugam sarea, piperul, patrunjelul tocat marunt si cimbrul, daca folosim. Pofta mare!

*Reteta inspirata de aici. Baby friendly: omiteți sarea și folosiți piper cu măsură, fiind un condiment iritant gastric


I loooove mushrooms but this way of cooking them is by far my favorite and makes the perfect side dish! Skillet garlic mushrooms. We served them with a lot of parsley, a tender and juicy chicken and a cube of butter, boy was that a delicious meal or what? :))

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 500 g Champignon mushrooms
  • 1 cube of butter
  • 1 garlic clove
  • a couple of parsley threads
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1/4 tsp fresh or dry thyme (optional)

Clean the mushrooms with a clean damp towel, then chop them into medium pieces, depending on their size. Heat the pan and add the butter cube in it, after it’s melted add the chopped mushrooms.

Cook the mushrooms on high heat for about 5 min, mixing them from time to time until softened and their juice reduces. Add the mashed garlic clove and cook for max 1 more min. In the end add the salt pepper, chopped parsley and thyme. Enjoy!

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