Nu cred ca exista persoane carora sa nu le placa ciocolata si clatitele :) Ambele sunt deserturi delicioase si extrem de populare, asa ca m-am gandit sa le unesc intr-unul singur :) Clatite cu ciocolata – pentru un rasftat absolut, sunt minunate calde, cu sirop de artar, frisca de cocos (sau de care doriti) si fructe de sezon. Yummy! :)
Ingrediente (2-3 portii):
- 2 banane coapte
- 4 oua
- 2 lg sirop de artar
- 1 lg faina de migdale
- 1 lg faina de cocos
- 1 lg cacao
- ulei de cocos pt uns tigaia
- topping: sirop de artar, frisca de cocos, cirese :)
Mixam in blender toate ingredientele, lasam compozitia cateva minute, pentru ca faina de cocos sa absoarba din lichide. Ungem o tingaie nonaderenta cu putin ulei de cocos, o incalzim la foc mic, apoi turnam din compozitie in ea. Clatitele trebuie sa fie mai micute, de maxim 9 cm diametru.
Cand incep sa apara bule pe suprafata clatitelor, le intoarcem usor de tot (sunt destul de fragile, neavand gluten) cu o spatula lata si le mai lasam 1-2 minute si pe partea cealalta. Repetam pana terminam aluatul. Mie mi-au iesit 12 bucati. Delicioase! Pofta mare :)
Everybody loves chocolate and pancakes :) Both are extremely delicious and popular desserts, so I though it’d be a great idea to combine them :) Chocolate pancakes – because we sometimes need to be spoiled, they are amazing warm, with maple syrup, coconut whipped cream and fruit. Yummy! :)
Ingredients (2-3 servings):
- 2 ripe bananas
- 4 eggs
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- 1 tbsp almond flour
- 1 tbsp coconut flour
- 1 tbsp cocoa
- coconut oil for greasing the pan
- topping: maple syrup, coconut whipped cream, cherries :)
Blend all the ingredients, let the mixture sit for a few minutes, so that the coconut flour absorbs some of the moisture. Grease a nonstick pan with a little coconut oil, heat it on medium heat, then spoon batter into the pan.
The pancakes should be small, about max 9 cm diameter. When bubbles star to form, flip and cook another 1-2 min. Repeat until you finish the batter. I got 12 small pancakes from these quantities. Enjoy! :)