Nu am mai facut de mult clatite si imi era tare pofta, asa ca am experimentat o noua reteta: clatite cu banane si cocos :) Pufoase si fragede, cu topping de fulgi de cocos, rondele de banana si nelipsitul sirop de artar pe care, intre noi fie vorba, l-as turna peste orice! :)) Acum poate sa vina weekendul :)
- 1/2 cana faina de cocos (50g)
- 1 cana lapte de migdale (250ml)
- 4 oua
- 1 banana coapta
- 2 lg sirop de artar
- 1/2 lgt praf de copt
- ulei de cocos pt uns tigaia
- fulgi de cocos si sirop de artar pt topping
Introducem toate ingredientele (mai putin uleiul pt uns tigaia si ingredientele pt topping) in blender si pulsam de cateva ori pana la omogenizare, apoi lasam compozitia 5 min la temperatura camerei. Faina de cocos va mai absorbi din lichid, contribuind la pufosenia clatitelor.
Incalzim putin ulei de cocos intr-o tigaie non-aderenta si punem cate o lingura plina din compozitie. Trebuie sa facem clatitele mici, pt ca sunt foarte delicate si se rup altfel.
Dupa ce se deplaseaza cu usurinta cand miscam tigaia, intoarcem clatitele si pe partea cealalta, usooor de tot, cu o spatula cat mai lata. Inca 2 minute si sunt gata. Ies cam 10-12 clatite mici din aceste cantitati. Le adaugam toppingul dorim si le savuram calde. Pofta mare!
*Reteta preluata si adaptata de aici
I hadn’t made pancakes in a while so I tried out a new recipe: banana coconut pancakes :) Fluffy and moist, covered in coconut flakes, banana slices and the well-known maple syrup I think I’d pour over everything… :) The weekend can come now :)
- 1/2 cup coconut flour (50g)
- 1 cup almond milk (250ml)
- 4 eggs
- 1 ripe banana
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- coconut oil for greasing the pan
- coconut chips and maple syrup for topping
Blend all the ingredients (except coconut oil for greasing the pan and toppings), pulse a couple of times until smooth, then let the mixture sit for 5 min. The coconut flour will absorb some of the liquid and make the pancakes fluffy.
Heat up a little coconut oil in a non stick pan and spoon out batter to form small pancakes. Be careful, they have to be really small, otherwise they’ll break. After they move when shaking the pan, carefully flip with a wide spatula and cook 2 more minutes. These quantities make about 10-12 pancakes. Add the desired topping and enjoy warm :)