Clatitele sunt un desert tare iubit, simplu si rapid, iar mie imi amintesc cu drag de copilarie :) Azi am incercat o varianta mai usoara, fara gluten, asa ca am folosit faina de orez, fulgi si zahar de cocos. Au iesit parfumate, pufoase si le-am savurat cu dulceata de afine de casa si o lingurita de miere. Un deliciu! :) Clatite cu cocos.

Ingrediente (12 clatite micute):

Batem bine ouale, adaugam apoi faina de orez, fulgii de cocos, laptele, zaharul de cocos, vanilia, sarea si praful de copt. Incalzim putin ulei de cocos in tigaia nonaderenta si turnam cu polonicul din compozitie.

Clatitele nu trebuie sa fie foarte mari pentru ca sunt fragile, un diametru de 9-10 cm e perfect. Cand incep sa apara bule pe suprafata clatitei o intoarcem pe partea cealalta. Repetam :) Servim cu pofta!


Pancakes are a very popular, simple and fast dessert, and I love how they remind me of childhood :) Today I tried a lighter version, gluten-free, so I used rice flour, coconut flakes and coconut sugar. They were perfumed, fluffy and I enjoyed them with blueberry preserve and a teaspoon of honey. So delicious!

Ingredients (12 small pancakes):

  • 1 cup almond milk (250ml)
  • 2/3 cup rice flour (100g)
  • 1/3 cup coconut flakes (35g)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp coconut sugar (has a lovely caramel flavor)
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla powder
  • a pinch of salt
  • coconut oil for greasing the pan

Whisk the eggs, then add the rice flour, coconut flakes, milk, coconut sugar, vanilla, salt and baking powder. Heat a little coconut in a non-stick pan and add a small batter to the pan.

The pancakes must not be to too big, because they are fragile, a 9-10 cm diameter is just fine. When you start to see some bubbles on the top, flip the pancake and repeat :) Enjoy!

3 Comments on Clatite cu cocos / Coconut pancakes

  1. Buna
    Puteți face conversia in gr și ml a ingredientelor.
    Mi-a ieșit un aluat foarte lichid folosind “ cups” ca unitate de măsura.

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