Azi avem in meniu clatite cu crema de branza, low carb si super gustoase! :) Desi eu in general nu pot manca dulce la micul dejun, once in a while, in weekenduri, pot face o exceptie pentru o portie de clatite cu dulceata Yummy! Gasiti ingredientele la un raport excelent pret-calitate la No Sugar Shop, magazin online tare drag mie :)
Ingrediente (8-9 buc):
- 125g crema de branza
- 4 oua
- 60g faina de migdale
- 2 lg faina de cocos (20g)
- 2 lg Green Sugar
- 1/2 lgt extract de vanilie
- ulei de cocos/unt pt uns tigaia
- topping: gem/dulceata fara zahar, smantana
Mixam ouale, crema de branza si indulcitorul. Adaugam vanilia, faina de cocos si faina de migdale, amestecam pana la omogenizare, apoi lasam compozitia 2-3 minute, pentru ca faina de cocos sa absoarba din lichide.
Ungem o tingaie nonaderenta cu putin ulei de cocos sau unt, o incalzim la foc mic, apoi turnam din compozitie in ea. Eu am folosit o lingura de inghetata, am turnat cate o cupa si am rotit tigaia usor. Clatitele trebuie sa fie mai micute, de aprox 9 cm diametru.
Cand incep sa apara bule pe suprafata clatitelor, dupa aprox 2 min, le intoarcem usor cu o spatula lata si le mai lasam 30 de sec si pe partea cealalta. Repetam pana terminam aluatul si le servim cu toppingul dorit, eu le-am servit cu smantana si dulceata de mure fara zahar :) Pofta mare!
Today’s menu guest features super tasty low carb cream cheese pancakes :) Although I am not a fan of sweet breakfasts, I can make an exception once in a while for these yummy pancakes with sugar-free preserve or jam :)
Ingredients (8-9 pcs):
- 125 g cream cheese
- 4 eggs
- 60 g almond flour
- 2 tbsp coconut flour (20g)
- 2 tbsp stevia erythritol
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- coconut oil/butter for greasing the pan
- topping: sugar-free preserve/jam, sour cream
Whisk the eggs, sweetener and cream cheese until foamy. Add the vanilla, flours, mix well and let the mixture sit for 2-3 min, for the coconut flour to absorb some of the liquids.
Grease a nonstick pan with coconut oil or butter, then spoon mixture into the hot pan. I used an ice cream scoop, placed one scoop in the pan, rotated the pan gently for the pancake to spread a little. The pancakes should be tiny, about 9 cm in diameter.
When bubbles start to appear on the surface, about aprox 2 min flip carefully and let it cook for 30 more sec. Repeat until you finish the dough and serve with the right topping :) Enjoy!