Azi am pentru voi clatite pufoase keto si low carb cu faina de cocos :) Sunt super bune, iar faina de cocos e foarte misto pentru ca: e foarte aromata, ideala la dulciuri, se umfla si e nevoie de o cantitate foarte mica, iar ca pret e jumatate fata de cea de migdale.. Clatitele mele au iesit super buneeeee si pufoase, recomand sa incercati reteta ;)
Ingrediente (8 buc):
- 2 oua
- 200ml smantana dulce (35% grasime)
- 2 lg pline varf cu faina de cocos (30g)
- 1/2 lgt praf de copt
- 1 lgt indulcitor pudra (tagatoza, Green Sugar)
- 1/2 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1 lg ulei de cocos+extra pt uns tigaia
- fructe de padure pentru servit
Pur si simplu mixam bine toate ingredientele cu telul, pana obtinem un aluat moale, fin, fara cocoloase. Intre timp incingem tigaia unsa din belsug cu ulei de cocos.
Luam cate 1-2 linguri din compozitie si turnam in tigaia incinsa, gatind fiecare clatita cam 2 min, pana apar bule pe suprafata ei. O intoarcem usor si o mai gatim 1 min si pe partea cealalta. Repetam pana teerminam aluatul si le servim calde, cu fructe de padure. Yummy! :)
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I’ve got a super recipe for you today: keto low carb coconut flour pancakes :) They are just soo good and coconut flour is very cool because: it’s full of flavor, it puffs up, so you need a small quantity and it costs half the price of almond flour.
Ingredients (8 pcs):
- 2 eggs
- 200 ml double cream
- 2 tbsp coconut flour (30 g)
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp powdered sweetener (tagatose, stevia erithritol)
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp coconut oil + extra for greasing the pan
- fresh berries for serving
Just whisk well all the ingredients until smooth and without lumps. Preheat the pancake pan in the meantime, greasing it with coconut oil.
Place 1-2 tablespoons of the dough into the pan and cook for about 2 min, until bubbly on the surface. Flip and cook for about 1 more min on the other side, then repeat until you finish the dough. Serve warm with breries. Yummy! :)
Ce bine arata clatitele tale! Eu am descoperit acum ceva vreme o reteta de clatite cu faina de migdale de care am fost foarte multumita si am ramas la ea. Abia astept sa testez si reteta ta, par delicioase.
Multumesc mult, Denisa! Da, si eu am o reteta cu faina de migdale, da sunt mai subtirele, precum clatitele frantuzesti (crepes) :) Pupici!
Oare ar merge facute in aparatul de goffre?
Draga Dana, cred ca ar merge :) Sa imi spui cum ies, daca incerci. O seara frumoasa!