Ilincai ii plac mult clatitele, asa ca mai ales in weekend, cand avem mai mult timp dimineata, imi place sa i le prepar la micul dejun :) Clatite pufoase cu banane, fara zahar, perfecte pentru pitici. In caz de intoleranta la lactoza laptele poate fi inlocuit cu unul vegetal.
Ingrediente (13 buc):
- 2 oua
- 1/2 banana (50g)
- 70g faina alba (aprox 4 lg pline varf)
- 50ml lapte
- 1 lgt ulei de cocos
- sirop de artar, fructe pentru servit
Pasam banana si o amestecam bine cu uleiul de cocos (la temeratura camerei) si laptele. Separat batem spuma ouale pana isi dubleaza sau tripleaza volumul. In spuma obtinuta adaugam amestecul lichid, amestecand usor, iar la final incorporam si faina usor, cu o spatula.

Incalzim o tigaie nonaderenta si turnam din compozitie cate putin (cam 2 linguri). Lasam clatita pana apar bule pe suprafata ei si poate fi intoarsa usor. O mai gatim 30-60 de sec si pe partea cealalta, apoi o transferam din tigaie pe o farfurie si repetam pana se termina aluatul. Mi-au iesit 13 clatite micute cu diametrul de 8cm, dar le puteti face si mai mari. Pofta mare!

Ilinca loves pancakes and crepes so, during weekends, when I have more time in the morning, I like to prepare them for breakfast :) Fluffy banana pancakes, sugar free that are perfect for toddlers and babies. If lactose intolerant, use a vegetable milk.
Ingredients (13 pcs):
- 2 egs
- 1/2 banana (50g)
- 70 g all purpose flour (approx 4 full tbsp)
- 50 ml milk
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- fresh fruit and maple syrup for serving
Mash the banana, coconut oil (at room temperature) and milk all together. Separately beat the eggs until they double or triple in size. Add the banana mixture into the egg mix, gently, then fold in the flour with a spatula.
Heat a non stick pan and spoon about 2 tbsp of mixture into the pan. Let it cook until it has bubbles on the surface and can be easily flipped. Cook for about 30-60 sec more min on the other side, then transfer on a plate and repeat until the dough finishes. I got 13 small ones, 8 cm diameter. Enjoy!