#NuAruncamNimic. Clatite pufoase cu mere. Aveam cateva mere foarte foarte stafidite si uscate, insa nu am vrut sa le arunc, ci le-am curatat de coaja, le-am ras si le-am adaugat in niste super clatite pufoase cu mere, fara zahar si fara gluten :) Bonus, le-am servit cu un topping de mere caramelizate, si merg FOARTE bine cu niste frisca, eu nu am rezistat si am turnat putina miere… :)) (14 clatite a cate 4g net carbs si 88cal – fara topping)

Ingrediente (14 buc):

  • 90g faina de migdale
  • 30g faina de cocos
  • 1 lgt guma xantan*
  • 200ml kefir
  • 1 lg ulei de cocos (+extra pt tigaie)
  • 30g indulcitor Green Sugar
  • 3 oua
  • 1 lgt praf de copt
  • 140g mere rase (cantitate neta)
  • 1/2 lgt extract de vanilie
  • Topping: 2 mere, 1 lg indulcitor Green Sugar, 1 lgt ulei de cocos

Batem ouale cu indulcitorul, adaugam kefirul, uleiul de cocos si toate ingredientele uscate. Nu omiteti guma xantan, eu am facut si fara si se rupeau clatitele. Ea e cea care da elasticitate aluaturilor fara gluten si le face mai usor de intors. Adaugam merele rase si amestecam.

Incingem tigaia, punem putin ulei de cocos in ea si turnam cate o cupa de inghetata din compozitie in tigaie, lasam clatita sa faca bule, apoi o intoarcem cu grija. Mie mi-au iesit 14 clatite micute.

Pentru toppingul de mere caramelizate decojim merele, le tauiem cubulete mici si le calim in tigaie cu uleiul de cocos si indulcitorul folosit. Amestecam constant pana se rumenesc frumos. Servim clatitele cu acest topping. Pofta mare!


I had a couple of very dried apples, but I did not want to throw them away, so I peeled them, grated them and added them to these really delicious fluffy apple pancakes, sugar and gluten free :) As a bonus, I served them with some caramelized apple topping, but they go really well with some whipped cream. I couldn’t resist and poured some honey on mine… :)) (14 pancakes of 4g net carbs and 88cal each – without the topping)

Ingredients (14 pcs):

  • 90 g almond flour
  • 30 g coconut flour
  • 1 tsp xanthan gum*
  • 200ml kefir
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil (+extra for the pan)
  • 30 g stevia erythritol
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 140 g grated apples (net quantity)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • Topping: 2 apples, 1 tbsp stevia erythritol, 1 tsp coconut oil

Whisk the eggs and sweetener, add the kefir, coconut oil and all of the dry ingredients. Do NOT skip the xanthan gum, it’s the one that keeps gluten free doughs together and prevents pancakes from breaking. Fold in the grated apple.

Heat the pancake pan, add a little coconut oil and add one ice cream scoop of dough in the pan. Let it cook until bubbles appear on the surface, then gently flip and cook it a little more. I got 14 small pancakes.

For the caramelized apple topping peel the apples, dice them and cook them in a non stick pan with the coconut oil and sweetener. Cook until brownish, stirring frequently. Serve the pancakes with this topping, enjoy!

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