Cobbler de piersici low carb. Vara ador deserturile cu fructe proaspete, acum am avut niste piersici romanesti parfumate si gustoase si am facut un cobbler de piersici low carb, fara zahar si fara gluten, suuuuper bun! L-am servit cald alaturi de frisca proaspat facuta, neindulcita. Dementiallllll! Merge si cu inghetata, of course, in functie de preferinte :) Aveti AICI si reteta video ;)

Ingrediente (6 portii):

  • Baza de fructe:
  • 7 piersici (700g)
  • 3 lg indulcitor (eritritol, 50g)
  • sucul de la 1 lamaie
  • 1/2 lgt scortisoara
  • Aluatul:
  • 100g unt
  • 2 oua
  • 150g faina de migdale
  • 3 lg indulcitor (eritritol, 50g)
  • 50g nuci maruntite
  • 50g fulgi de cocos
  • 50ml smantana lichida neindulcita
  • inghetata sau frisca pentru servit

Taiem piersicile pe jumatate, le scoatem samburii si le feliem. Punem piersicile intr-un bol, adaugam indulcitorul, zeama de lamaie, scortisoara si le mozolim bine de tot. Transferam totul intr-o tava termorezistenta, am folosit o tava de tarta cu diametrul de 23cm.

Pentru aluat punem intr-un bol: untul, faina de migdale, ouale, fulgii de cocos si smantana lichida. Amestecam bine aluatul, eu am folosit aceasta ustensila pentru aluat. La final adaugam si nucile macinate/maruntite.

Punem cu lingura din aluat in tava peste piersici, nivelam frumos si coacem totul 45 de min la 180C, pana cobbler-ul e putin rumen la suprafata, ca in imagini. Se serveste cald, cu frisca sau inghetata :) Pofta mare!

Cel mai bun cobbler de piersici low carb.


I just love fresh fruit desserts during summer, today I had some fresh Romanian peaches and I made this yummy low carb peach cobbler. Sugar and gluten free, we served it warm with freshly whipped natural cream, OMG, this was amazing! You can also serve it with ice cream, of course :)

Ingredients (6 servings):

  • Fruits base
  • 7 peaches (700 g)
  • 3 tbsp sweetener (erythritol, 50 g)
  • juice from 1 lemon
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • Dough:
  • 100 g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 150 g almond meal
  • 3 tbsp sweetener (erythritol, 50g)
  • 50 g ground walnuts
  • 50 g desiccated coconut
  • 50 ml heavy cream, unsweetened
  • ice cream or whipping cream for serving

Cut the peaches in half, remove the pit and slice them. Out the peaches in a bowl, add the sweetener, lemon juice, cinnamon and mix all well. Transfer to a pan, I used a tart pan (23 cm diameter).

For the dough put the ingredients in a bowl: butter, almond flour, eggs, desiccated coconut and heavy cream. Mix the dough well, I used this pastry tool. In the end, add the ground walnuts.

Spoon the dough over the peaches, then level nicely. Bake at 180 C for abut 45 min, until lovely golden on the surface. Serve warm with whipped cream or ice cream. Enjoy!

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