Pentru ca nici anul acesta de Sarbatori nu pot bea vin fiert, am improvizat acest delicios compot aromat de struguri :) Dulce, light si fara alcool… O bunatate!

Ingrediente (8 portii):

  • 2 kg de struguri (rosii si roze)
  • 4-5 lg sirop de artar*
  • 1 baton de scortisoara
  • 2 pastai de cardamom
  • 1 steluta de anason
  • 1 pastaie de vanilie
  • 2-3 cuisoare
  • coaja de la 1/2 portocala

Spalam bine strugurii, ii punem intr-o oala mare cu apa cat sa ii acopere, adaugam condimentele, indulcitorul si punem totul la fiert. Dupa ce fructele sunt patrunse, dar nu foarte moi, oprim focul, lasam sa se raceasca putin, scoatem condimentele si servim compotul caldut spre fierbinte :) Enjoy!

*Baby-friendly: folositi, optional, putin sirop de artar sau miere, avand in vedere faptul ca mierea se ofera copiilor numai dupa varsta de 1 an, cu masura.


Because this year as well I can’t have mulled wine for the holidays, I improvised this delicious spiced grape compote :) Sweet, light and alcohol-free… Yummy!

Ingredients (8 servings):

  • 2 kg red grapes
  • 4-5 tbsp maple syrup (to taste, depending on the sweetness of the grapes)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 cardamom pods
  • 1 star anise
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 2-3 cloves
  • peeled zest from 1/2 orange

Wash the grapes, place them in a large pot and add water just enough to cover them. Cook along with all the spices and sweetener to taste until the fruits are nice and tender, but not too soft. Remove the spices and serve warm to hot :) Enjoy!

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