Sarbatorile vinnn, sarbatorile vinnnn siiiiii… am pentru voi UN cozonac. keto. cu. ciocolata…. de nu veti crede ca e keto, dar e, jur! :) Creste in cuptor, e relativ pufos (as keto can be), fffff aromat, iar in toata casa miroase divin a Craciun! Cozonac keto cu ciocolata. LOVE!
- 10g drojdie proaspata
- 1 lgt miere*
- 125ml apa calduta
- 60g smantana
- 160g faina de migdale
- 70g faina de in auriu
- 30g izolat proteic din zer
- 20g Ketomix waffe*
- 80g eritritol pudra (rasnit fin)
- 2 lgt guma xanthan
- 2 lgt praf de copt
- 3 oua
- 70g unt
- 150g nuci macinate
- 80g crema de ciocolata fara zahar
- 1 albus
- 2 lg eritritol brun
- 1 lg esenta de rom
- 1 galbenus pt uns
Foarte Important: Toate ingredientele trebuie sa fie la temperatura camerei, iar in camera caldut :) Punem drojdia, mierea si apa calduta (nu fierbinte) intr-un bol, amestecam bine si lasam totul 15 min, pana face bule.
Adaugam: smantana, toate ingredientele uscate, untul moale, ouale si amestecam bine aluatul pana e omogen.
Acoperim bolul cu 1 folie alimentara si il lasam intr-un loc caldut, sa creasca. Intre timp facem umplutura amestecand nucile macinate, crema de ciocolata, albusul, romul si indulcitorul.
Dupa 1-2 ore, intindem aluatul intre 2 folii alimentare, ii dam o forma dreptunghiulara, il ungem cu umplutura si il rulam cu grija. Puteti rasuci acum cilindrul, eu l-am taiat in 2 si le-am impletit oarecum :)
Ungem cu ulei o tava de chec si o tapetam cu hartie (eu nu am pus hartie si a fost greu de scos cozonacul din tava, deci va recomand calduros sa folosit hartie de copt :) Il coacem cam 40-45-50 min la 180C, pana trece testul scobitorii.
Se feliaza racit si e DEMENTIAL! E cam faramicios, tho, cele mai frumoase felii taiate mi-au iesit colturile, dar e atattttttt de gustos! Sper sa va fie de folos aceasta reteta de sarbatori, are efectiv cel mai apropiat gust si consistenta de cozonac din tot ce am gustat keto sau low carb :) Va pup! Cozonac keto cu ciocolata.
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*Reteta inspirata de aici. Mierea este „mancata” de drojdie si nu raman zaharurile din ea in produsul finit ;) In reteta din care m-am inspirat se foloseste Psyllium, eu am folosit cu succes Ketomix waffe :)
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas aaaaand I’ve got an AMZING KETO recipe for you! Keto chocolate sweet bread, you will swear it’;s not keto, but it is, I promise :)) It rises so nicely in the oven, it’s a little fluffy (within keto limits), tasty and the whole house smells like Christmas :)
- 10 g fresh yeast
- 1 tsp honey*
- 125 ml lukewarm water
- 60 g sour cream
- 160 g almond flour
- 70g golden flaxseed flour
- 30g whey protein isolate
- 20g Ketomix waffe*
- 80g powdered erythritol
- 2 tsp xanthan gum
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 3 eggs
- 70 g butter
- 150 g chopped walnuts
- 80 g sugar free chocolate spread
- 1 egg yolk
- 2 tbsp brown sweetener
- 1 tbsp rum essence
- 1 egg yolk for greasing
Very important: All the ingredients must be at room temperature and the room warm :) ut the yeast, honey and lukewarm water (not hot) in a bowl, stir and let it sit for 15 min or until bubbles appear.
Add the sour cream and all the dry ingredients, softened butter and mix the dough very well until it’s smooth and sticky.
Wrap the bowl in clingfilm and let it rise in a warm place for 1-2 hours. In the meantime make the filing by combining the roughly chopped walnuts, chocolate spread, rum and egg white.
After 1-2 hours, roll the dough between 2 pieces of cling film into a rectangular share, add the filling and roll carefully. You can put it like this in the pan, I cut it in half and sort of braided it :)
Grease a loaf pan with oil and line with baking paper (I didn’t use paper and it was hard to remove from the pan, so I highly recommend you do :) Bake for about 40-45-50 min at 180 C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.
Slice after it’s cooled, it’s AMZZING! A little crumbly, tho, the nicestes pieces were the sides, but SO tasty! I hope this recipe is useful for you the holidays about to come, it’s really the closest to the classic sweet bread from what”ve ever tasted, keto or low carb. Kisses!
*The honey is „eaten” by the yeast, so this will not affect the carb count ;) The recipe that inspired my uses psyllium instead of Ketomix, FYI :)