Aveam in congelator un superb crap intreg, si am sunat-o pe mama sa imi explice exact cum face ea de fiecare data crap cu legume la cuptor, pentru ca mai bun ca cel facut de ea nu am mancat nicaieri :) Si mie imi plac mult pestii mari cu oase mari, usor de inlaturat si carne dulce. A iesit o MINUNATIE, am mancat de ne-am lins pe degete! Crap cu legume la cuptor. Cu siguranta voi repeta reteta de multe ori de acum, se face atat de usor, iar gustul e divin :)
- 1 crap intreg, eviscerat
- 2 morcovi
- 1 pastarnac
- 6 ciuperci Champignon brune
- 2 cepe (1 rosie, 1 alba)
- 1 ardei capia
- 30ml ulei de masline
- 3 lgt pasta de tomate
- 200ml vin alb*
- sare, boabe de piper*
- 2 foi de dafin
- jumatate de lamaie
Decojim morcovii, pastarnacul si le taiem cubulete maricele. Feliem ceapa, taiem ardeiul, eu am avut 2 jumatati de ardei, unul galben si unul rosu. Asezam toate legumele intr-o tava incapatoare, ele servesc pe post de „pat” :)
Punem deasupra crapul intreg (eviscerat si curatat de solzi), adaugam apoi peste ulei de masline, 150ml apa si vinul. Presaram sare peste toata tava, adaugam boabe de piper si 2 foi de dafin, si cate putina pasta de tomate din loc in loc :)
Am asezat si 2 felii de lamaie peste crap, pur estetic :)) Coacem totul in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C timp de 1 ora, pana intra usor furculita in peste si acesta e frumos rumenit. Merge de minune cu un pahar de vin alb, dar deh, fiind gravida, m-am multumit cu o limonada :)) Pofta mare! Crap cu legume la cuptor.
*Baby friendly: omiteti sarea si vinul.
I had a gorgeous whole carp in my freezer, so I called my mom and asked her to explain to me exactly how she prepares it, because she makes the best carp I’ve ever eaten :) And I also like this type of fish, with big bones, easy to remove and sweet meat. This baked carp turned out FANTASTIC, we loved it! I will definitely be making this recipe, it’s so easy and the taste is divine :)
- 1 whole carp, gutted
- 2 carrots
- 1 parsnip
- 6 brown Champignon mushrooms
- 2 onions (1 red and 1 white)
- 1 bell pepper
- 30ml olive oil
- 3 tsp tomato paste
- 200 ml white wine
- salt, pepper
- 2 bay leaves
- half a lemon
Peel the carrot and parsnip, cut them into medium chunks. Slice the onions, cut the pepper, I had 2 halves of a red and yellow pepper :) Place all the veggies in a baking dish, they will be the bed for the fish :)
Place the whole carp on top (gutted and without the fish scales), add then the olive oil 150ml water and wine. Sprinkle salt all over the dish, pepper and 2 bay leaves, and a little tomato paste here and there :)
I placed 2 lemon slices on the fish, to look pretty :)) Bake everything in the preheated oven at 180C for about 1 hour, until the fish is tender and lovely golden. It goes just perfect with a glass of white wine, but since I am pregnant, I settled for lemonade :)) Enjoy!