Crema de zahar ars keto. Va povesteam la crema mea de zahar ars dupa reteta mamei ca se poate transforma foarte usor intr-un desert keto, folosind tagatoza, singurul indulcitor care caramelizeaza (il gasiti aici) si smantana lichida. Asa ca am zis sa postez o reteta separata si explicita, cu imagini pas cu pas din timpul prepararii :) Este un desert fantastic, NU il deosebesti de cel clasic cu zahar! :O Iar ouale au fost de tara, de aceea mi-a iesit atat de galbena, nu am umblat la Saturation :))) (10 portii a cate 134cal)
- 10 oua
- 350ml smantana lichida
- 150g eritritol
- 2 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1/4 lgt pudra de vanilie
- 125g tagatoza pentru caramel
Intr-o craticioara nonaderenta la foc mic topim tagatoza pentru caramel (eu am pus si lingurita de extract de vanilie) amestecand usor cu o spatula si, cand a capatat o culoare aramie, turnam repede in vasul in care vom face crema.
Eu am folosit un vas rotund mare de yenna. Rotim usor vasul pentru a le acoperi fundul si putin din laterale cu caramel. Dar repede, pentru ca se intareste repede :) Din acest caramel puteti face diverse firicele si decoratiuni pt torturi, FYI :)
Batem ouale intregi spuma cu eritritolul (eu il rasnesc fin ca sa se incorporeze usor), adaugam smantana lichida, pudra si esenta de vanilie, mixam cu grija.
Turnam crema de oua in vasul de yenna si il transferam intr-o tava adanc umpluta cu apa pana la jumatatea vasului de yenna. Coacem crema de zahar ars cam 1 ora la 170C, pana centrul mai tremura puuutin :) O lasam sa se raceasca, apoi o introducem in frigider 2-3 ore.
Inainte de servire, trecem cutitul pe marginea vasului apoi rasturnam crema pe un platou, o feliem si o servim din belsug cu sos de caramel.. :) Pofta mare!
I was telling you in my mother’s creme brulee recipe that you can easily turn it into a keto dessert by using tagatesse (the only sweetener that caramelizes) and heavy cream. SO I thought I’d make a separate explicit recipe, with step by step instructions and photos. This is an amazing desert, you CANNOT tell it’s keto, it tastes just like the classic sugar version! :O and the yellow color is from the free range eggs I had, I did not adjust the Saturation :)))
- 10 eggs
- 350 ml heavy cream
- 150 g erythritol (finely ground into powder)
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp vanilla powder
- 125 g tagatesse for the caramel
In a nonstick pan over medium heat melt the tagatesse (I added a tsp vanilla extract), mixing with a spatula until amber and liquid caramel forms. Quickly pour into the dish we will be baking the custard.
I used a large heat proof yenna dish. Gentl rotate it so that the caramel covers the bottom and sides. Quickly, it becomes hard so fast! :) From this caramel you can also make curls and cute stuff for decorating cakes, FYI :)
Beat the eggs witht he sweetener (I grind it into powder sot hat ift insorporates fast, add the heavy cream, hanilla extract and powder, mix gently.
Pour the cream in the yena dish and place it in another larger and high dish, filled halfway with water. Pour the egg mixture and bake for about 1 h at 170C, until slightly jiggly in the center. let it cool, then place in the fridge to set for 2-3 hours.
before serving, run a knife over the sides, then flip on a large plate, slice and serve with the delicious caramel sauce that formes… :) Enjoy!