Crema de zahar ars de post. Nu stiu cum sunteti voi, dar mie imi placea la nebunie crema de zahar ars in copilarie. Dulce si fina, cu acea consistenta superba de budinca… Ei bine, la Olivia am descoperit o varianta delicioasa fara lapte, oua sau zahar alb. Pentru ca vrem sa aratam bine si sa fim frumoase si sanatoase. Si un dulce e binevenit din cand in cand :)

Ingrediente (2 portii):

Punem pe foc laptele de cocos cu agar agarul, indulcitorul si pudra de lucuma, amestecand constant pentru a nu se forma cocoloase.

Adaugam si pudra si extractul de vanilie, tinem pe foc pana se dizolva bine totul. Oprim focul dupa ce ajunge la punctul de fierbere si turnam compozitia in 4 forme de silicon pe care le tinem la rece pentru minim 1 ora.

Rasturnam formele si servim crema de zahar ars cu nuci si sirop de artar deasupra. Pofta mare la aceasta crema de zahar ars de post!

*Reteta inspirata de Olivia


I don’t know about you guys, but I used to love creme brulee when I was a child. Soft and creamy, with that gorgeous pudding consistency… Oh well, now there is a version that doesn’t contain milk, eggs or sugar. Because we want to look good and be beautiful and healthy.  And a healthy treat is welcomed from time to time  ;-)

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 400 ml coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup/coconut sugar
  • 1 tbsp lucuma (optional, for a more intense caramel flavor)
  • 1 tsp agar-agar (7g)
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla powder
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • walnuts and maple syrup for serving

Heat up the  coconut milk in a small pan, add the agar-agar, maple syrup and lucuma, stirring so that it doesn’t make lumps. Add the vanilla powder and extract as well.

After bringing it to a boil, remove from the stove and pour in 4 silicon molds or small glasses and chill for at least 60 minutes. Carefully turn the molds upside down on a plate and decorate with walnuts and maple syrup. Enjoy!

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