Un desert care nu se demodeaza niciodata este crema de zahar ars, una din preferatele mele de cand eram mica :) Am folosit un indulcitor natural genial cu 0 calorii, recent descoperit, vanilie adevarata si am servit-o cu sirop de artar din belsug, a iesit o mi-nu-na-ti-e, un desert wow :)
- 800ml lapte 3.5%*
- 8 oua de tara
- 150g eritritol (sau indulcitorul preferat)
- 2 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1 lg rom Stroh (sau esenta de rom)
- 2 lg sirop de artar (+ extra pentru servit)
Folosind un mixer cu bol batem ouale cu indulcitorul, pana acesta se dizolva si compozitia devine putin spumoasa. Miscoram viteza mixerului si adaugam laptele, romul si vanilia.
Ungem un vas rotund de yena (diametru aprox 26 cm) cu 2 linguri de sirop de artar, apoi turnam compozitia in el. Asezam vasul la randul lui intr-o tava cu peretii inalti, plina pe jumatate cu apa rece.
Coacem totul 1 ora in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C, apoi scoatem crema si o lasam sa se raceasca complet 1-2 ore la temperatura camerei, apoi in frigider cateva ore bune. Desprindem usor marginile cu un cutit, apoi o rasturnam cu grija pe un platou si o servim cu sirop de artar. Yummmm, pofta mare!
*Varianta keto/low-carb: folositi lapte de migdale si omiteti siropul de artar.
An oldie but goodie dessert is the classic egg custard, one of my favorite desserts from my childhood :) I made this version with natural 0 calorie sweetener, real vanilla and served it with plenty of maple syrup, YU-MMY! :)
- 800 ml full fat milk
- 8 free range eggs
- 150 g eritritol (or favorite sweetener)
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp Stroh rum (or rum essence)
- 2 tbsp maple syrup (+ extra for serving)
Using a stand mixer whisk the eggs and sweetener until dissolved and a little foamy. Lower the speed and add the vanilla, rum and milk.
Grease a round heat proof pan with 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, then pour the mixture inside. Place the dish in a larger one, filled halfway with cold water.
Bake everything for 1 hour in the preheated oven at 180 C, then take out of the oven and let it cool at room temperature for 1-2 hours, then place in the fridge for a couple of hours to fully set. Flip on a plate and serve with plenty of maple syrup :) Enjoy!