Crema hidratanta de fata homemade sau DIY. Pentru ca m-a cuprins febra facutului de cosmetice in casa, am descoperiiiiiiit o crema hidratanta de fata geniala! Lasa tenul ca o piersicuta, deci vreau sa va zic ca nu am mai comandat crema mea de fata obisnuita :) Partea foarte draguta e ca, pe langa faptul ca se face extrem de usor, ii puteti da ce parfum natural doriti, folosind uleiul esential preferat :) Eu am folosit Geranium (muscata) pentru ca e unul din preferatele mele, aduce foarte mult a trandafir. Later edit: cititi Notele de la final va rog :)


Topim la bain marie untul de shea si cel de cacao (am folosit proportii egale din ambele), impreuna cu ceara de albine, apoi lasam amestecul foarte putin sa se racoreasca. Separat amestecam restul ingredientelor intr-un pahar termorezistent, pe care il scufundam putin in apa fierbinte. Aici la fel am folosit proportii egale de ulei de migdale si ulei de masline extravirgin din Grecia.

Punem intr-un vas inalt cele 2 amestecuri si mixam totul cu blenderul de mana para arata. Exact. Ca. O. Crema. De. Fata! Amazing! :)))) Mi-au iesit 3 borcanase din aceste cantitati, deci cred ca ma va tine foarte mult aceasta transa, puteti injumatati cantitatile :) Me so hapyyy, spor la hidratare!


  • Pentru ten mai sunt bune urmatoarele uleiuri esentiale: Lavanda, Frankincense (Tamaie), Arbore de ceai (pt ten gras), Trandafir.
  • Daca aveti tenul gras, nu folositi ulei de masline si de migdale, ci de jojoba.
  • Faceti jumatate de portie si tineti-o in frigider, din aceste cantitati ies 2 borcanase mari de cate aprox 200ml
  • Sau puteti adauga un conservant cosmetic pentru a tine mai mult
  • Crema se intareste a 2a zi, devine ca un unt, daca o vreti mai lichida adaugati inca jumatate din cantitatea de aloe vera
  • Poate fi folosita si ca unt de corp, e super :)
  • Reteta inspirata de aici.


Because I became so passionate about DIY cosmetics, I discovered the most amazing hydrating face cream! It leaves you skin as smooth as a peach, I actually canceled my regular moisturizer order :) The best part is, besides the fact that it’s so easy to make, you can make it with any natural fragrance you like, by adding you favorite essential oil :) I used Geranium, because I love the rose-like scent.


  • 50g shea butter+cocoa butter
  • 25g purified beeswax
  • 60 ml olive oil + almond oil
  • 50 ml rosewater
  • 100 ml Aloe Vera gel
  • 3 drops of vitamin E
  • 25 drops of essential oil*
  • cosmetic preservative*

Melt the shea, cocoa butter and beeswax over a pot of simmering water, then let it cool just a little. Separately combine the other ingredients in a heat proof glass and immerse it in hot water. I used equal proportions of almond + extra virgin Greek olive oil and shea+cocoa butter.

Put the 2 mixtures in a high recipient and blend with an immersion blender until you get a super smooth and perfect facial cream! Amazing! :))) I got 3 recipients from these quantities, they will last for some time, so you can make only half of this batch. Me so happy, enjoy moisturizing your face in the most natural way! :)


  • For the face skin these following essential oils are also great: Lavender, Frankincense, Tea tree, Rose.
  • If you have a fat skin, I recommend you use jojoba oil instead of olive and almond oil.
  • Make only have a batch and store in the fridge, these quantities make about 2 large 200ml jars.
  • Or you can add some cosmetic preservant for it to last longer.
  • The cream becomes harder the next day, like a butter, if you want it more liquid, add another half of the aloe quantity.
  • It can also be used as a body butter, it’s amazing :)

7 Comments on Crema hidratanta de fata homemade / DIY face moisturizer

    • Omisa nu as zice, va iesi prea solida crema… Ea si asa acum se intareste. Puteti suplimenta cantitatea de gel de aloe. O zi frumoasa!

  1. Buna , imi poti spune te rog , 50 g unt shea si 50 g unt de cacao sau 50 impreuna , adica 25 g unt de shea si 25g unt de cacao ?

    • Buna Dana, crema e foarte hidratanta, insa de SPF nu stiu ce sa zic, nu stiu daca se poate obtine in mod natural. O zi frumoasa!

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