Dupa o saptamana extrem de grea din multe puncte de vedere din cauza situatiei din Ucraina, am simtit nevoia sa ma detasez emotional putin si sa fac ce ma relaxeaza cel mai mult: sa pregatesc o noua reteta pentru blog. Va spuneam recent in Stories ca am incropit o reteta de crema proteica de ciocolata fara zahar care a iesit dementiala, iar azi am refacut reteta, cu cantitati, poze si tot ce trebuie, pentru voi, dragii mei :) Este incredibil de buna, la mare concurenta cu Nutella, iar pe clatite e ceva… :) Si nu va trebuie robot de bucatarie sau blender.
- 200g pudra proteica de ciocolata
- 100g ciocolata amaruie fara zahar
- 2 lg ulei de cocos
- 50g eritritol pudra
- 2 lg cacao
- 250ml lapte de cocos/migdale
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 2 lg rom Stroh (sau 2 lgt esenta de rom)
- 50g nuci macinate
Topim la Bain Marie ciocolata (fara zahar, din aceasta folosesc) si uleiul de cocos. Separat amestecam intr-un bol mare: pudra proteica cu aroma de ciocolata (cele de la Secretele Ramonei sunt geniale), indulcitorul pudra (eritritol am folosit, rasnit fin pentru a se incorpora usor), pudra de cacao, laptele vegetal (sa fie fara zahar), vanilia naturala (extract, pudra sau pasta), romul sau esenta de rom.
Omogenizam bine cu telul, adaugam si nucile macinate. Pentru o crema extra FINA, puteti folosi unt de nuci/arahide/migdale in loc de nuci macinate :) Adaugam si ciocolata si uleiul de cocos topite, omogenizam bine bine tot.
Compozitia nu e foarte ferma, dar se va mai intari putin in frigider datorita ciocolatei si uleiului de cocos care se intaresc la rece. Turnam crema in borcane, din aceste cantitati am umplut 2 borcane si jumatate a cate 300ml. Se pot injumatati foarte usor cantitatile, aceasta delicioasa crema proteica de ciocolata fara zahar se tine in frigider.
Nu are zahar, dar are multe calorii totusi (intreaga cantitate, adica cele 2 borcane si jumatate au aprox 2100 cal si 15 g net carbs), a se consuma cu masura, ca orice desert :) Love and peace!
After such a hard week, on so many levels, because of the drama happening in Ukraine, I felt the need to take a step back emotionally and relax while doing what I love the most: cooking recipes for my blog :) I was telling you recently that I had created a homemade chocolate spread recipe that was just exceptional, so I repeated it today, this time with a scale, step by step photos and all, just for you :) It’s amazing, super yummy, it competes with Nutella, and you don’t even need a food processor or blender :)
- 200 g protein powder, chocolate flavor
- 100 g sugar free dark chocolate
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- 50 g erythritol, powdered
- 2 tbsp cocoa
- 250 ml coconut/almond milk
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 tbsp Stroh rum (or 2 tsp rum essence)
- 50 g ground walnuts
Melt the chocolate and coconut oil over a pot of simmering water (Bain-Marie). Separately mix the chocolate flavored protein powder, powdered sweetener (I finely ground mine to quickly incorporate), cocoa, vegetable milk (sugar free), natural vanilla (extract, paste or powder), rum or rum essence.
Mix well with a whisk, add the ground walnuts. For a super SMOOTH texture, you can use nut/almond/peanut butter instead of the ground walnuts :) Add the melted chocolate and coconut oil and mix.
The texture is not too firm, but it will thicken once chilled, thanks tot he chocolate and coconut oil, that will firm up after being kept in the fridge. Pour in glass jars, I used 3 jars of 300ml capacity and filled 2 and a half :)
You can easily divide the quantities in half; store in the fridge. It is sugar free, but it does have a lot of calories and must be consumed in moderation, like any desert :) (all these 2.5 jars have approx 2100 cal and 15 g net carbs). Love and peace!
Arata foarte bine si cred ca este foarte buna. Dabea astept sa fac si eu !