O bunatate delicioasa si versatila: puteti manca aceasta crema raw de caju simpla, cu fructe, pe paine integrala prajita, ca topping pe torturi si deserturi raw sau cum va mai trece prin cap :) Eu am savurat-o cu capsunele parfumate. Un deliciu sanatos! :)


  • 250g caju crud
  • 2 lg ulei de cocos
  • 1 lg sirop de agave
  • semintele de la 1 pastaie de vanilie
  • 1-2 lg apa plata

Hidratam nucile de caju vreo 2 ore, apoi le scurgem si le introducem in robotul de bucatarie (sau blender de mare putere) cu restul ingredientelor si mixam bine, oprind din cand in cand si luand compozitia cu o lingura de pe peretii vasului.

Cand sunt multumiti de cremozitate, turnam compozitia intr-un borcanas si o pastram in frigider. Atentie, ca topping/glazura se va folosi imediat dupa preparare, pentru ca la frigider se intareste putin ;) Pofta mare!

*/Low-carb: folositi un indulcitor adecvat: eritritol, tagatozaGreen Sugar, xylitol dupa gust.


A delicious and versatile treat: you can eat this raw cashew cream simple or with fruit, on wholewheat toast, as topping for raw cakes and desserts or whatever you like :) I enjoyed it with fresh strawberries. Such a healthy dessert! :)


  • 250 g raw cashew
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp agave syrup
  • seeds from 1 vanilla bean
  • 1-2 tbsp water

Soak the cashews for about 2 hours, then drain and place them in the food processor (or high speed blender) along with the rest of the ingredients and process well, stopping the machine from time to time to scrape down the walls. When creamy enough, pour the mixture in a jar and store in the fridge. Use immediately as topping/frosting, because it hardens a little in the fridge. Enjoy!

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