O mancare pe care o gasiti in orice fast-food sau in supermarketuri la raionul de semipreparate, reinventata intr-o varianta sanatoasa: crochete de peste in crusta de migdale :) Delicioase, cu migdale crocante la exterior, miez moale si gustos de peste alb, putina lamaie si maioneza de casa… Yumm! :)
Ingrediente (2 portii):
- 400g file de cod
- 50g migdale crude
- 1/4 lgt boia dulce
- sare, piper
- 2-3 lg maioneza de casa
- 1 lamaie
Rasnim migdalele nu foarte fin folosind un robot de bucatarie si apoi le amestecam cu putina sare, piper si boia. Taiem dreptunghiuri fileurile de cod si le tavalim prin amestecul crocant, iar ce mai ramane presaram deasupra.
Le asezam pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si le coacem aprox 20-30 de min in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C, cu ventilatia pornita. Eu le-am copt uneori si la Airfryer :) Servim crochetele cale, cu putina lamaie si maioneaza de casa :) Pofta mare!
Galerie foto
A dish you find in any fast-food or supermarket, reinvented in a healthy version: almond crust fish fingers :) Delicious, with a crunchy almond crust and a soft, sweet fish center, with a little lemon and homemade mayonnaise… Yum! :)
Ingredients (2 servings):
- 400 g cod loins
- 50 g raw almonds
- 1/4 tsp sweet paprika
- salt, pepper
- 2-3 tbsp homemade mayonnaise
- 1 lemon
Roughly grind the almonds in a food processor, then combine with a little salt, pepper and paprika. Cut the fish evenly into rectangular portions and dip them in the crumbly mixture.
Sprinkle what’s left on top. Place the fish fingers on a tray lined with baking paper and bake at 180 C for approx 20-30 min, ventilation on. Serve warm, with lemon and homemade mayonnaise :) Enjoy!