Am descoperit o super reteta de rontaiala din… Mamaliga! Da, believe it or not, am facut niste crochete din mamaliga super aromate, crocante si gustoase. Deci daca iti ramane mamaliga si nu vrei sa o arunci, aceste crochete sunt o idee grozava de refolosire a ei :) Si daca le pui alaturi si un sos de usturoi si iaurt nu iti mai trebuie nimic! :))
Ingrediente (20 de buc):
- 1 cana malai (150g)
- 2 cani apa (500ml)
- 50g unt
- 50g cascaval (sau cas, emmentaler etc)
- 3 lg ulei de masline
- 1 lgt pudra de usturoi
- 1 lgt boia dulce
- 1 lgt sare*
- cateva fire de cimbru si rozmarin
Punem apa la fiert, cand clocoteste adaugam malaiul, amestecand constant pana la ingrosare, lasand-o sa fiarba vreo 2 min. Cand mamaliga e gata adaugam untul taiat cubulete, cascavalul ras si amestecam bine.
Turnam mamaliga intr-un vas dreptunghiular micut (20*30cm, nu trebuie sa iasa gros stratul), o nivelam frumos si lasam totul la racit pana sa intareste bine. Taiem crochete dreptunghiulare si le tavalim prin amestecul de ulei, sare, condimente si ierburi aromatice.
Asezam crochetele pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si le coacem la 200C cu ventilatia pornita, intorcandu-le dupa 15 min pana se rumenesc frumossss de tot :) Timp total de coacere cam 30 de min, dar depinde de cuptor. Enjoy!
*Kid-friendly (Pentru copii): omiteti sarea sub 2 ani.
I discovered the most amazing snack made of polenta, how crazy is that? :)) Super tasty baked polenta sticks, if you give me a yogurt garlic dip on the side, that’s all I need :))
Ingredients (20 pcs):
- 1 cup cornmeal (150 g)
- 2 cups water (500 ml)
- 50 g butter
- 50 g cheese, emmentaler etc
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 ts sweet paprika
- 1 tsp salt
- a couple of thyme and rosemary threads
Bring 500 ml of water to a boil, then add the polenta and stir everything well for about 2 min, until it thickens. Add the chopped butter and grated cheese, mix well then pour in a small dish (20*30 cm) in a thin layer, leveling well the surface.
Place in the fridge to set until it hardens, then cut out the rectangular sticks. Dip them in the oil, salt and spice mixture, then place them on a large tray lined with baking paper and bake them for 30 min at 200 C, ventilation on, flipping them after 15 min.
It usually takes about 30 min to get them golden and crispy, but it really depends on the oven, so carefully watch them :)