Cum se face frisca de cocos? De mult timp voiam sa scriu despre asta intr-un articol cu imagini pas cu pas din timpul prepararii :) Iar acum in Postul Pastelui mi se pare o idee foarte buna, aceasta frisca vegetala e naturala, gustoasa si fina :) Eu am facut-o fara zahar si cu un strop de extract natural de vanilie :) E super buna si versatila, merge cu: clatite, fructe, inghetata, pe prajituri, puteti imbraca pana si torturi in aceasta frisca minunata, Iar pentru persoanele cu intoleranta la lactoza e AUR CURAT!
- 1 conserva de lapte de cocos
- 2 lg indulcitor pudra
- 1/2 lgt extract de vanilie
O conserva de lapte de cocos (care trebuie tinuta in frigider minim 24h inainte) are 2 componente: 1. partea grasa de deasupra, care se numeste crema de cocos; 2. partea apoasa care ramane la fund, adica apa de cocos.
Desfacem conserva si luam cu o lingura partea solida – crema de cocos. Cu apa de cocos facem ce vrem, eu o pun in smoothie-uri pentru ca nu imi place gustul ei simplu, fara nimic :)
In bolul mixerului punem crema de cocos, 2 linguri de indulcitor PUDRA (eu il rasnesc fin la blender inainte, astfel se incorporeaza imediat) si batem bine cu mixerul totul pana la omogenizare.
Oprim mixerul o data, luam compozitia cu o spatula de pe peretii bolului, adaugam vanilia si mai mixam inca o data, pentru o omogenizare perfecta :)
Punem frisca intr-un pos cu varf stelat si o folosim dupa cum dorim, mai jos aveti o sugestie cu banane (inchideti ochii daca tineti keto), unt de arahide si sirop de caramel… Pofta mare! Cum se face frisca de cocos.
How to make whipped coconut cream? I’ve been wanting to write this article for a long time, with step by step images during the preparation :) Now that it’s the Easter religious fasting, it seems a perfect time to share this, this vegetable whipped coconut cream is so smooth, delicious and sweet. I made it sugar free and it’s also so versatile: it goes perfectly with: pancakes, with ice cream, puddings, you can even cover cakes in this lovely coconut whipped cream! :)
- 1 can of coconut milk
- 2 tbsp powdered sweetener
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
A can of coconut milk (that has to be chilled at least 24 h before this recipe) has 2 parts: 1 fat solid part, the coconut cream and 2. the liquid part, coconut water.
Ope the can and spoon out the solid part. Do whatever you want with the coconut water, I like to use it in smoothies, because I don’t like it’s plain taste :)
Add the coconut cream, powdered sweetener (I make it powder by blending it in my high speed blender) in the mixer’s bowl and beat everything until smooth. Stop the mixer once to scrape down the side, add the vanilla and mix until really smooth.
Place the cream in a piping bag and decorate with it anything you like, you have above a suggestion with banana (close your eyes if you’re on keto) with peanut butte r and caramel syrup.. Enjoy!