Curmale invelite in ciocolata. Ce inseamna sa-ti fie pofta de dulce si sa te loveasca inspiratia :) Astfel s-a nascut acest desert simplu, dar senzational din 3 ingrediente: curmale invelite in ciocolata. Migdala din interior te surpinde in mod placut si crocant, curmala dolofana si suuuper dulce e senzatie, iar de glazura de ciocolata nu are rost sa zic nimic :D Un desert absolut divin!

Ingrediente (9 buc):

Am folosit curmale din acelea foarte dolofane, proaspete, care se gasesc la Mega sau in Carrefour, doar foaaarte putin deshidratate. Despicam curmalele cu un cutit si introducem cate 2 migdale in interior (merg foarte bine si nuci, alune de padure, nuci macadamia etc).

Le punem deoparte cat timp facem glazura: Incalzim la bain-marie ciocolata, amestecam bine cu un tel pana la omogenizare. Lasam compozitia sa se ingroase putin (fie la  temperatura camerei, fie in frigider) pana are consistenta mierii fluide, apoi cufundam curmalele in ea si le punem pe o hartie de copt.

Repetam daca e cazul pana terminam glazura :) Eu am presarat fulgi de cocos deasupra, arata tare frumos, nu? :) Le tinem putin in frigider sa se intareasca, apoi le savuram. Enjoy!


Sugar craving plus inspiration equals this wonderful dessert made from only 3 ingrediente :) Chocolate covered dates. The almonds inside are so crunchy, pleasantly surprising, the chubby date is just so sweet and about the sugar free chocolate coating I will not say a word. A completely divine dessert to try out! :)

Ingredients (9 pcs):

  • 9 fresh dates
  • 18 almonds (2 for each date)
  • 80g sugar free dark chocolate
  • topping: desiccated coconut, ground walnuts/pistachio etc

I used fresh juicy dates. Make a cut inside each date and insert 2 almonds in each. Walnuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts go just fine, too. Set aside while preparing the glaze: melt the chocolate over a pot of simmering water (bain-marie), mix well until completely melted.

Let it cool until it reaches runny honey consistency, then dip the dates in this mixture. Put them on a baking sheet and repeat if necessary until you run out of glaze :) I sprinkled some coconut on top, it looks very nice, doesn’t it? Place in the fridge to set a little, then dig in! :)

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