Vremea de afara in continua racire si fluctuatiile de temperatura ne pun organismul la incercare si raceala bate la usa. Asa ca trebuie sa ii dam un boost de vitamina C, nu? :) Acest fresh de citrice e delicios, nu e foarte dulce pentru ca am folosit doar 1 lamaie si este foarte condimentat, pentru a ne incalzi organismul, datorita ghimbirului si piperului cayenne. It’s getting hot in here… :))

Ingrediente (1 portie):

  • 1 gref roz
  • 1 portocala
  • 1 lamaie
  • 1/4 lgt piper cayenne
  • 1 lgt sirop de artar
  • 1/2 lgt ghimbir proaspat ras

Stoarcem greful, portocala si lamaia si turnam sucul lor intr-o sticluta mica. Adaugam piperul cayenne, sirop de artar si ghimbirul proaspat dat pe razatoare, punem capacul sticlutei si shake, shake senora :))

Strecuram apoi sucul, sa nu mai ramana pulpa de fruct sau ghimbir si il bem imediat. Sanatate curata! :) Pofta mare!


This colder and colder weather outside and temperature fluctuations put our body to the test and a nasty cold might be just right around the corner. So we must give it a boost of vitamin C, right? :) This ginger citrus fresh is delicious, not too sour because I used only 1 lemon and very spicy, to heat us up, thanks to the ginger and cayenne pepper. It’s getting hot in here… :))

Ingredients (1 serving):

  • 1 pink grapefruit
  • 1 orange
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp maple syrup
  • 1/2 tsp freshly grated ginger

Squeeze the grapefruit, orange and lemon and pour their juice in a small bottle. Add the cayenne pepper, maple syrup and freshly grated ginger, close the lid and shake, shake, senora :)) Then drain the juice, so we don’t get fruit pulp or ginger parts and drink right away. So healthy! :)  Enjoy!

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