In diminetile de weekend imi place sa pun la treaba aparatul de gaufre, iar azi am incercat o variatiune de la reteta de friganele gaufre, reteta foarte apreciata de pe blog :) Si anume am facut friganele gaufre umplute cu bunatati la alegere: banana si unt de arahide, mere calite si ciocolata. Mai e nevoie sa va spun ca am mancati toti 3 de-am rupt? Sunt GE-NI-A-LE! :D
Ingrediente (4 portii):
- 8 felii subtiri de paine
- 4 oua
- umputura 1: felii de banana, 1 lg unt de arahide, 1 praf de scortisoara
- umplutura 2: cubulete de mar, 1 praf de scortisoara
- umplutura 3: picaturi de ciocolata*
Batem bine ouale, punem aparatul de facut gaufre la incalzit. Inmuiem feliile de paine in amestecul de oua si asezam 2 din ele in aparatul preincalzit. E bine sa nu folositi niste felii extrem de groase.
Le adaugam umpluturile dorite:
- Umplutura 1: ungem 1 felie de paine cu 1 lingura generoasa de unt arahide, adaugam felii de banana si putin scortisoara.
- Umplutura 2: Decojim merele, le taiem cubulete mici si le calim cu scortisoara cam 5 min, amestecand mereu, pana isi mai lasa din zeama. Adaugam umplutura in mijlocul feliei de paine.
- Umplutura 3: Adaugam picaturile de ciocolata in mijlocul feliei de paine.
Peste fiecare felie de paine cu umplutura asezam inca 1 felie de paine, si aceasta inmuiata bine in amestecul de oua. Inchidem aparatul (presam bine pana fac click) si il lasam sa isi faca treaba, cam 3-5 minute, in functie de aparat, pana gaufrele sunt suficient de rumene. Le servim neaparat calde, sunt fantastice! :)
*Umplutura de ciocolata nu este pentru copii mici, evident :) Reteta inspirata de aici.
On weekend mornings I like to use the waffle maker and today I tried a variation from the beloved French toast waffle recipe, highly appreciated on my blog :) So I made stuffed French toast waffles, willed with all these goodies: banana and peanut butter, sautéed apples and chocolate. Need I say all 3 of us ate them all? They’re so amazing! :)
Ingredients (4 servings):
- 8 thin bread slices
- 4 eggs
- filling no. 1: banana slices, 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1 pinch of cinnamon
- filling no. 2: diced apple, 1 pinch of cinnamon
- filling no. 3: chocolate chips*
Whisk the eggs well, preheated the waffle maker.B Soak the bread slices in the egg mixture and place 2 slices in the hot waffle maker. it’s best not to sue thick slices.
Add the desired fillings:
- Filling no. 1: Spread peanut butter on 1 slice of bread, add banana slices and sprinkle cinnamon on top.
- Filling no. 2: Peel and dice the apples, then saute them in a non stick pan until the juices come out, for about 5 min, always stirring. Add the apple filling in the center of the bread slice.
- Filling no. 3: Add the chocolate chips in the center of the bread.
Over each slice with filling add another bread slice, also soaked in eggs mixture. Close the waffle iron (press firmly, until it clicks) and let it cook for about 3-5 min, until nicely golden brown. Serve warm, they’re just so yummy! :)