De sarbatori cred ca foaaarte multa lume are friptura in meniu, si vreau sa va propun aceasta reteta super suculenta si gustoasa de friptura de curcan la multicooker. Si anume, the one and only, iubitul meu multicooker Crockpot Express, care face magie in bucatarie si pe care cred ca ar trebui sa il includeti pe lista Mosului, daca vreti mancare foarte gustoasa si mai mult timp petrecut cu familia :) Si cine nu vrea asa ceva? :))


  • 750g piept dezosat de curcan
  • 70g unt
  • 4 catei de usturoi
  • 1 lg sare
  • putin piper
  • 1/2 lgt boia dulce
  • cateva crengute de cimbru
  • 2 frunze de dafin
  • 250ml apa sau supa de pui
  • 2 lgt guma xanthan*
  • garnitura preferata pentru servit

Pentru amestecul de condimente amestecam untul moale la temperatura camerei cu sarea, boiaua, putin piper, frunzulite de cimbru si usturoi pisat. Ungem pieptul de curcan bine bine cu acest amestec.

Pornim multicookerul CrockPot Express pe Brown/Saute, 10 min, fara capac, si rumenim bine pieptul de curcan pe toate partile. Scoatem carnea, adaugam grilajul, turnam apa sau supa de pui, asezam carnea pe grilaj.

Adaugam 2 frunze de dafin si cate frunzulite de cimbru. Punem capacul, rotim spre pozitia Inchis, rotim valva de presiune spre Inchis si setam aparatul pe Meat/Stew High pressure, timp de 35 de min. Dupa terminarea programului, asteptam 5 min, apoi asezam un prosopel pe capac si rotim cu o spatula valva de presiune spre pozitia Deschis.

Dupa ce tot aburul s-a eliberat, desfacem capacul, punem carnea de curcan intr-o tava 15 min la 180C, cu ventilatia pornita, doar pt rumenire :) Inlaturam grilajul, adaugam guma xanthan (*puteti folosi faina daca doriti) si gatim sosul pe Brown/Saute pana se ingroasa, apoi il strecuram si il servim pe friptura.

Eu am servit suculenta friptura alaturi de un piure de radacinoase, chifle si dulceata de ardei iute :) O bunatate! Sarbatori fericite alaturi de cei dragi! P.S. – alte retete cu carne gasiti aici.

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For the winter Holidays I think very many people have steak on the menu, and I want to show you this super juicy and tasty pressure cooker turkey steak. My magic is a wizard in my kitchen, I think you should include it on Santa’s list, if you want super tasty meals, super fast and more time to spend with your family :) And I think EVERYONE wants that, right? :))


  • 750 g boneless turkey breast
  • 70 g butter
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • a pinch of pepper
  • 1/2 tsp sweet paprika
  • a couple of fresh thyme threads
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 250 ml water or chicken stock
  • 2 tsp xanthan gum*
  • favorite side dish for serving

For the spice mix mix the softened butter with the salt, pepper, thyme leaves, paprika and mashed garlic. Massage the turkey breast with this mix.

Start the CrockPot Express onn Brown/Saute, 10 min, lid off and nicely brown the turkey on all sides. Remove the meat, add the multi cooker grill, pour the water or chicken stock, place the turkey on the grill.

Add 2 bay leaves and a few thyme threads. Put the lid on, turn it to CLosed position, rotate the pressure valve to Closed, also and set on Meat/Stew High pressure, for 35 de min. After the time’s up, wait 5 min, then place a kitchen towel over the lid and carefully rotate the pressure valve to open position.

After all the steam has been released, open the lid, put the turkey in a baking dish in the oven for 15 min at 180C,ventilation on just for browning :) Remove the grill, add the xanthan (or plain flour) and cook the sauce on Brown/Saute until it thickens, then strain and serve on the steak.

I served this juicy steak next to a root vegetable puree, buns and sweet hot pepper jam :) Mega delish! appy holidays with your loved ones! P.S. – you can find other meat recipes here.

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