Pentru diminetile „lenese” de sambata cand aveti mai mult timp de petrecut in bucatarie, va recomand o variatiune de la clasica omleta :) Frittata este un fel de mancare gustos ce se poate servi la micul dejun, pranz sau cina, se pastreaza foarte bine la frigider si poate fi luata si la pachet la birou. Varianta mea are si quinoa, fiind astfel si mai consistenta si e excelenta cu o salata de rosii si ceapa, mmmm…
Ingrediente (6 portii):
- 4 oua
- 1 praz
- 1 cana buchetele de broccoli fiert (100g)
- 1 ardei capia
- 1 cana quinoa fiarta (150g)
- 75g branza (de capra)
- 1 lgt ulei masline
- 1 catel de usturoi
- cateva fire de patrunjel/marar
- 1 lgt mustar
- 1/2 cana lapte vegetal (125ml)
- sare si piper
Calim prazul, buchetelele de broccoli si usturoiul in uleiul de masline pana devin moi. Oprim focul si adaugam ardeiul capia taiat fasii, quinoa si verdeata tocata. Asezonam cu sare si piper. Intr-un bol separat batem bine ouale cu lingurita de mustar si laptele vegetal.
Intr-un vas termorezistent (pentru cuptor) turnam compozitia de legume, apoi cea de oua si deasupra asezam branza taiata cubulete. Coacem aprox 30 de minute, pana frittata devine aurie. Servim calda sau rece, cu salata alaturi. Pofta mare!
*Baby-friendly: folositi foarte putina sare doar dupa varsta de 1 an, iar piper cu masura, fiind un condiment puternic si iritant gastric. Caliti legumele la foc iute in putina apa.
For those ‘lazy” Saturday mornings when you get to spend more time in the kitchen I recommend something different than the classic omelette :) Frittata is a tasty dish that can be served at breakfast, lunch or dinner, it’s easily stored in the fridge and can also be taken to work. My version has quinoa, so it is more filling and it’s excellent with tomato and onion salad, mmmm…
Ingredients (6 servings):
- 4 eggs
- 1 leek
- 1 cup boiled broccoli (100g)
- 1 red pepper
- 1 cup boiled quinoa (150g)
- 75 g goat cheese
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 garlic clove
- a couple of parsley/dill threads
- 1 tsp mustard
- 1/2 cup vegetable milk (125ml)
- salt and pepper
Cook the leek, broccoli and garlic with a little oil over medium-high heat. Turn off the gas and add the sliced pimiento pepper, quinoa and chopped herbs. Season with salt and pepper. In a separate bowl beat the eggs with mustard and vegetable milk.
Take an oven baking dish and place the vegetables, then the egg mixture and the cheese cut into cubes on top. Bake about 30 min, until the frittata turns golden. Serve hot or cold, with fresh salad. Enjoy!