Toata lumea coace la greu de Craciun, eu prefer deserturile mele raw vegane :) Fudge raw cu caju si zmeura. Dulceata nucilor de caju se imbina perfect cu zmeura acrisoara… Sarbatori fericite alaturi de cei dragi! :)

Ingrediente (10 portii):

  • 250g unt de caju
  • 100g ulei de cocos
  • 4 lg sirop de artar
  • 1/2 lgt pudra de vanilie
  • 150g zmeura congelata

Amestecam cu un tel untul de caju, uleiul de cocos, siropul de artar si vanilia. Compozitia trebuie sa fie cremoasa, ca smantana. Tapetam o forma patrata (20cm) cu hartie de copt, punem jumatate din cantitatea de zmeura, turnam jumatate din crema de caju si repetam inca o data :)

Vom avea cate 2 straturi bej si roz. Introducem casoleta in congelator pana se intareste suficient, apoi taiem fudge-ul cubulete si il savuram :) Se pastreaza in congelator. Pofta mare si sarbatori fericite!


Everybody’s heavily baking for Christmas, but I stick to my raw vegan desserts :) Raw cashew raspberry fudge. The sweetness of the cashews perfectly combines with the sour raspberries… Happy holidays with your loved ones! :)

Ingredients (10 servings):

  • 250 g cashew butter
  • 100 g coconut oil
  • 4 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
  • 150 g frozen raspberries

Whisk the cashew butter, coconut oil, maple syrup and  vanilla/ The mixture has to be creamy. Line a square dish (20 cm) with baking paper, sprinkle half of the raspberries, the half of the cashew cream, then repeat :)

You’ll get 2 beige layers and 2 pink ones. Place the dish in the freezer until hard enough, the cut into squares and enjoy. Store in the freezer. Merry Christmas!

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