Pentru ca ador avocado si ador ciocolata, niste fursecuri cu aceste 2 ingrediente minunate nu puteau sa nu iasa ceva demential :D Fursecuri cu ciocolata si avocado, moi, dense si ciocolatoase, ca niste mini negrese, veti repeta reteta de nenumarate ori, va garantez! :)

Ingrediente (14 buc):

Procesam toate ingredientele mai putin ciocolata in robotul de bucatarie, cand s-a omogenizat bine amestecul, incorporam si ciocolata tocata bucatele mici, pastrand cateva bucatele de ciocolata si pt topping.

Luam cu lingura din compozitie si asezam 14 „guguloaie” pe tava tapetata cu hartie de copt, le aplatizam usor, dandu-le o forma relativa de fursec :) Adaugam bucatelele ramase de ciocolata deasupra si le coacem 15-20 min in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C, pana sunt ferme la atingere. Pofta mare!


Since I love avocado and I love chocolate, what else but something amazing could come out of the combination of these 2 ingredients? :) Chocolate avocado cookies, dense and chocolaty, like tiny brownies, you’ll repeat the recipe, I guarantee! :)

Ingredients (14 pcs):

  • 100 g avocado pulp
  • 5 tbsp stevia erythritol (70 g)
  • 3 tbsp cocoa (20 g)
  • 50 g butter
  • 100 g almond meal
  • 1 egg
  • 50 g dark sugar-free chocolate

Process all the ingredients except chocolate in the food processor, when the mixture is smooth fold in the chopped chocolate, saving a couple pieces for the topping. .

Spoon the mixture on a tray lined with baking paper, give them a cookie shape and sprinkle the remaining chocolate pieces. Bake the cookies for 15-20 min at 180 C, until firm when touched. Enjoy!

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