Ilinca e innebunita dupa fursecuri si biscuiti, asa ca ma conformez si ii fac mereu :) Azi am incercat unele super bune, gustoase si pe placul tuturor: fursecuri fragede cu unt si merisoare. Aluatul fraged si dulce e perfect completat de merisoarele acrisoare, sunt minunate aceste fursecuri dimineata la cafea sau ceai :)

Ingrediente (18 buc):

Frecam bine untul cu indulcitorul, adaugam apoi faina si transferam compozitia pe o suprafata. Framantam bine pana obtinem un aluat compact, maleabil, dupa care incorporam si merisoarele tocate. Rulam aluatul sub forma unui cilindru, ca salamul cu biscuiti, il invelim cu folie alimentara si il introducem infrigider o ora, pana devine ferm si poate fi taiat frumos.

Taiem cilindrul de aluat cu un cutit felii groase de aprox 5-6mm, le asezam pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt. Coacem fursecurile aprox 13-15 min in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C. Le lasam sa se raceasca in tava, apoi le savuram cu pofta :)

*Baby-friendly: folositi ca indulcitor 5 curmale tocate marunt.


Ilinca loves cookies and biscuits, so I always make some :) Today I tried a super tasty recipe that everyone loves: cranberry shortbread cookies :) The sweet and tender dough is perfectly balanced with the sour cranberries, these cookies are so wonderful to enjoy over tea or coffee :)

Ingredients (18 pcs):

  • 180 g whole purpose organic flour
  • 125 g butter, softened
  • 60 g stevia erythriol
  • 45 g dried cranberries

Mix the butter and sweetener until smooth and creamy, then add the flour and transfer all on a surface. Knead well until you get a soft, easy to handle dough. Fold in the chopped cranberries, then roll the dough into a rectangle, wrap in clingfilm and place in the fridge for 1 hour, until firm and easy to cut nicely.

Cut the dough roll into 5-6 mm thick slices, place them on a tray lined with baking paper. Bake the cookies for about 13-15 min in the preheated oven at 180 C. Let them cool on the tray, then serve them  :)

4 Comments on Fursecuri fragede cu unt si merisoare / Cranberry shortbread cookies

  1. delicioase si da fragede!
    am folosit insa fructoza…. nu stiu cat de sanatoasa e fructoza insa au iesit foarte bune fursecurile.

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