In ultima vreme e plin internetul de poze cu chocolate crinkles, adica fursecuri crapate cu ciocolata, si mama mama ce pofteam la ele :)) Asa ca, acum ca am luat vacanta, am facut si eu varianta mea, mai sanatoasa :) Desi nu contin zahar, gluten, cereale si au putini carbohidrati, sunt super gustoase si ciocolatoase :) Fursecuri keto crapate cu ciocolata.

Ingrediente (12 buc):

Amestecam intr-un bol ingredientele uscate: faina de migdale, pudra de cacao, praful de copt, guma xanthan si indulcitorul pudra. Omogenizam bine cu un tel, pentru a elimina cocoloasele.

Separat mixam untul la temperatura camerei cu ouale. (Eu am pus initial 2 mici, dar am mai adaugat inca 1, era prea tare compozitia :) Combinam cele 2 amestecuri si amestecam bine. Formam 12 bilute pe care le tavalim prin indulcitor pudra.

Asezam bilutele pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si le coacem cam 15-17 min la 170C. Le lasam sa se raceasca in tava, apoi le pudram cu indulcitor si le servim. Pofta mare!

*Indulcitorul pudra se face rasnind la blender eritritolul, Edulcorem in cazul meu, pana obtinem o pulbere fina. Aveti in Stories la mine pe Instagram un video explicativ, in Highlights My cooking :)


Lately the internet has been super full of chocolate crinkle cookie photos which got me craving them so much! :)) So I made my own healthier version today. Although they don’t contain sugar, grain, gluten and have few carbs, these chocolate keto crinkle cookies are super delicious!

Ingredients (12 pcs):

  • 100 g almond flour
  • 40 g cocoa
  • 120 g erythritol powdered* + extra for topping
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp xanthan gum
  • 3 eggs
  • 60 g butter

Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl: almond flour, cocoa, powdered sweetener, xanthan gum, baking powder. Whisk well and remove all lumps.

Separately mix the eggs and softened butter. I initially put only 2, but the dough was too hard. Combine the 2 mixture, mix well and form 12 even balls. Coat them in the extra powdered sweetener.

Place the balls on a tray lined with baking paper and bake them in the preheated oven at 170C for about 15-17 min. Let them cool in the tray, then sift more sweetener on them and serve them. Enjoy!

*You make powdered sweetener by just blending your favorite sweetener in a high speed blender until you get a fine powder. You have the video demo in my Stories on Instagram, in Highlights My cooking :)

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