Aceste fursecuri keto cu fulgi de cocos sunt cele mai fragede, moi si dulci fursecuri keto pe care le-am mancat si far, sunt absolut mi-nu-na-te! :) Se topesc in gura efectiv, neaparat sa le incercati, se fac si extrem de usor. You’re welcome :)
Ingrediente (12 buc):
- 110g unt
- 80g xylitol Edulcorem
- 2 oua
- 60g faina de migdale
- 20g faina de cocos
- 90g fulgi de cocos
- 1/2 lgt praf de copt
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 12 nuci pecan (optional, pt topping)
Topim untul, apoi il mixam cu xylitolul. Adaugam si ouale, vanilia, mai mixam compozitia, iar la final adaugam ingredientele uscate: fulgii de cocos, faina de migdale, faina de cocos, praful de copt.
Omogenizam bine compozitia cu o spatula si, folosind o lingura de inghetata, formam 12 bilute maricele pe care le punem pe o tava. Le aplatizam usor cu palma, dandu-le o forma cat mai rotunda, apoi asezam o nuca pecan in mijloc, ca arata mai dragut asa, zic.
Coacem fursecurile fix 15 minute in cuptorul preincalzit la 170C, pe treapta de caldura de jos, fara ventilatie, pana se rumenesc foarte putin pe margini, ca in imagine. Sunt foarte foarte fragede, manevrati-le cu grija. Le puteti face mai micute daca doriti, insa fiti cu ochii pe cuptor :) Pofta mare!
Informatii nutritionale: Ies 12 fursecuri a cate 198cal si 2g net carbs, conform My Fitness Pal. Valorile pot fi diferite in functie de ingredientele folosite.
These amazing keto coconut cookies are soooo tender and moist, they melt in your mouth, sweet and so easy to make, you’ve got to try them! :)
Ingredients (12 pcs)
- 110 g butter
- 80 g xylitol
- 2 eggs
- 60 g almond flour
- 20 g coconut flour
- 90 g desiccated coconut
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 12 pecan halves (optional, for the topping)
Melt the butter, then beat it with the xylitol. Add the eggs, vanilla, mix some more, then also add the dry ingredients: desiccated coconut, almond flour, coconut flour, baking powder.
Mix everything well, then form 12 balls using an ice cream scoop. Flatten them with your hands, then place a pecan on each. Bake the cookies for 15 min at 170C, ventilation off, until just a little brownish on the edges. They are very tender and yummy, you can make them smaller, but keep a close eye on the oven window :) Enjoy!