Avem in meniu o gustare dulce hranitoare si super usor de facut, cu mult calciu de la susan, grasimi si proteine: Fursecuri keto cu tahini. Sunt foaaaarte fragede si aromate, fix ca fursecurile fragede din comert, dar bineinteles ca mult mai sanatoase, low carb, fara zahar, fara gluten, fara cereale :)

Ingrediente (12 buc):

Mixam untul la temperatura camerei cu oul, indulcitorul, vanilia si pasta de susan. Adaugam faina de cocos si omogenizam bine tot. Puteti adauga si picaturi de ciocolata, daca doriti :)

Formam 12 bilute, le aplatizam cu mainile usor umezite si le asezam pe o tava intinsa tapetata cu hartie de copt. Le coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C pt 15 min, pana sunt ferme la atingere si foarte putin rumenite la baza :)

*Alegeti o pasta de susan (tahini) ce contine doar 100% seminte de susan, cum ar fi aceasta. Altele mai au si zahar, ulei, diversi aditivi.


Today we have a sweet delicious healthy snack, easy to make, packed with Calcium, fat and protein: Keto tahini cookies. They are super tender and full of flavor, just like shortbread store bought cookies, but only much better, healthier, low carb, sugar free. gluten free, grain free :)

Ingredients (12 pcs):

  • 80 g tahini* (sesame paste)
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp sweetener (erythritol)
  • 40 g coconut flour
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 30 g sugar free chocolate chips (optional)

Mix the softened butter with the tahini, sweetener, egg and vanilla. Add the coconut flour and mix well until smooth. You can also add sugar free chocolate chips, if you want :)

Form 12 balls, using wet hands, place them on a tray lined with baking paper and slightly flatten them. Bake them at 180 C for 15 min, until firm to the touch and very little brownish base.

*Choose a tahini that contains only 100% sesame seeds, others may have sugar, oil, other additives.

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