Am pentru voi o reteta GE-NI-A-LA de gaufre cu cartofi si branza, crocante, fara faina, fara gluten, satioase si facute din practic doar 3 ingrediente, cartofi, oua, branza :) Sunt un mod bun de a le oferi celor mici o masa (mic dejun, pranz, cina sau gustare) extrem de atragatoare si hranitoare in acelasi timp :)

Ingrediente (10 buc):

  • 550g cartofi (3 buc medii-maricele)
  • 4 oua
  • 175g branza (cascaval, cas, cheddar, mozarella, orice branza care se topeste)
  • cateva fire de patrunjel/marar
  • sare, piper dupa gust*

Mai intai incalzim bine aparatul de gaufre, (al meu e acesta) cu 5 minute inainte. Dam pe razatoare branza, o adaugam intr-un bol alaturi de ouale batute si verdeata tocata marunt, sare si piper.

Curatam cartofii de coaja si ii dam pe razatoarea mare, am obtinut 500g de cartofi rasi. Apoi ii clatim si ii scurgem biine de tot, eu ii pun intr-un prosop de bucatarie curat si ii storc foarte bine. E foarte important 1. sa ii clatiti si 2. sa ii scurgeti bine.

Adaugam si cartofii rasi in compozitia de oua si branza si omogenizam bine tot. Stiu ca arata ciudat compozitia, dar aveti incredere, in aparatul de gaufre se intampla magia :)

Punem cate 2-3 linguri din compozitie in aparatul de gaufre (pe care l-am uns cu putin ulei), intindem cat de cat uniform totul si il lasam pe aparat sa isi faca treaba pana sunt rumene gaufrele. Sunt super super super si calde, si reci! :)

*Baby-friendly: omiteti sarea, piperul si folositi o branza cat mai nesarata.


I’ve got the most A-MA-ZING recipe for you, cheese potato waffles, flour-free, gluten-free and basically made from only 3 ingredients: potatoes, eggs, cheese :) They’re a great way to serve your little ones an attractive and nutritious meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack) :)

Ingredients (10 pcs):

  • 550 g potatoes (3 large-medium pieces)
  • 4 eggs
  • 175 g cheese (cheddar, mozarella, any cheese that melts)
  • a couple of parsley/dill threads
  • salt, pepper to taste*

First preheat the waffle iron. Grate the cheese, add it to a bowl along with the beaten eggs, chopped herbs, salt and pepper.

Peel the potatoes and grate them, I got 500 g of grated potatoes. Rinse them well and squeeze the water and juice out of them. I uses a clean kitchen cloth for that. It’s really important to rinse and squeeze them dry.

Add the grated potatoes into the cheese egg mixture and mix everything well. I know it looks strange, but trust me, magic will happen in the waffle iron :)

Place 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture into the hot waffle iron (greased with a little oil) and let it do its thing until the waffles and crisp and golden. They are super super super delicious, both warm and cold! :)

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