Fiind in postul Pastelui vreau sa va arat aceasta super reteta de gaufre de post. Aluatul se pregateste foarte usor, sunt gustoase si e minunat sa le serviti cu: frisca de cocos (reteta aici), fructe, unt de arahide, dulceata de casa saaau tartinabile ca Veganella, unt de nuci cu aroma de turta dulce, … :) Aparatul meu de facut gaufre/gofre/ vafe/waffe este acesta. Pofta mare!
Ingrediente (8 buc):
- 200g faina
- 200ml apa*
- 3 lg indulcitor Green Sugar
- 4 lg ulei vegetal
- 1, 1/2 lgt praf de copt bio
- 2 lg zeama de lamaie
- coaja de la 1/2 lamaie
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
Pentru aceasta reteta de gaufre de post: amestecam faina, indulcitorul, coaja rasa de lamaie, praful de copt si 1 praf de sare. Adaugam apoi apa (*puteti folosi si lapte de migdale, de cocos etc) uleiul, zeama de lamaie, vanilia si omogenizam bine totul cu un tel.
Lasam compozitia sa stea putin la temperatura camerei, cat timp se incalzeste aparatul de facut gaufre. Punem din compozitie cu lingura in aparatul preincalzit si il lasam sa isi faca treaba, aprox 2-3 min, in functie de aparat si dimensiuni.
Cand gaufrele sunt destul de rumene si ferme la atingere, le scoatem usor din aparat si repetam procedeul pana terminam compozitia, mie mi-au iesit 8 buc, dar cantitatile sunt foarte usor de dublat. Pofta mare la gaufre de post! :)
*Reteta preluata si adaptata de aici
Hey, I’ve got a super vegan waffle recipe for you :) The dough is soooo easy to make, the waffles are tasty and make a simply amazing breakfast when served with coconut whipped cream, jam and fresh fruit :) Dig in!
Ingredients (8 pcs):
- 200 g plain flour
- 200 ml water*
- 3 tbsp stevia erythrithol
- 4 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1, 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- zest of 1/2 lemon
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
Mix the flour, sweetener, lemon zest, baking powder and a pinch of salt. Then add the water (or almond, coconut milk etc), oil, lemon juice, vanilla and give it all a good whisk.
Let the mixture sit at room temperature until the waffle iron is preheating. Spoon the mixture into the hot iron and let it cook for about 2-3 min, depending on the device, until the waffles are firm to the touch.
Remove the waffles from the iron and repeat until you run out of dough. I got 8 pieces, but the quantities are super easy to double :) Enjoy!