Sa vedeti voi cum one thing leads to another: mi-a facut iubitul un suport pentru filmat retete si am zis sa il testez cu ceva simplisim. Imi era si foame :)) Bon, asa ca zic eu, hai sa incerc noul mix Ketomix by Cristina Ionita, sa vad ce iese. DOAMNE, Cristina, esti geniala si, nu stiu cum sa iti zic, ai dat lovitura :))))))) Deci au iesit aceste gaufre mortale, e super mixul, mai ales daca nu vrei sa cauti combinatii de faina x+y+z :) Si e mai misto si ca faina Szafi :) Il gasiti doar la NoSugarShop, AICI. EU zic sa va grabiti, ca nu stiu cat tine stocul :D Articol nesponsorizat :)

Ingrediente (4 gaufre):

  • 30g Ketomix Waffe
  • 2 oua
  • 50g cascaval ras
  • 50ml smantana lichida
  • 1/2 lgt sare
  • boia dulce (sau pudra de usturoi, chimen..)
  • marar tocat (optional)

Punem intr-un bol ouale, smantana lichida, mixul ketomix, cascavalul ras, sarea, boiaua, mararul (daca puneti) amestecam bine, lasam amestecul 5 min sa se umfle fibrele din el si sa absoarba din lichide.

Formam 4 bilute pe care le gatim in aparatul preincins pentru gaufre. Nu se lipesc, sunt crocante, aromate, OMGGGGG, ce sa mai zic? :)) Pofta mare! Gaufre keto cu branza.

Reteta Video

*Am adaptat reteta Cristinei de aici.


Let me tell you how one thing leads to another: my honey made me this camera mount for top view video shooting recipes so I thought I’d test it with something simple. I was also super hungry :)) So I thought I’d try Cristina Ionita’s new Ketomix. OMG, Cristina, you are brilliant and you hit the Jackpot with this Ketomix :)))) These waffles turned out amazing, I love the mix, it’s so useful, specialle if you don’t want to combine more types of flour. It can be found in RO only here (but they deliver internationally, yey), hurry while the stock lasts :)

Ingredients (4 waffles):

  • 30 g Ketomix waffe
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g grated cheese
  • 50 ml heavy cream
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • sweet paprika (garlic powder, carraway etc)
  • chopped dill (optional)

Put the eggs, heavy cream, Ketomix, grated cheese, salt, paprika and dill in bol, mix well, let it sit 5 min. So that the fiber in the mix absorb the liquids.

Form 4 balls, put 2 of them in the preheated waffle iron and cook until lovely golden brown. They do not stick, they are fluffy and super crispy, full of flavor, OMGGGG, what else can I say? :)) Enjoy! Gaufre keto cu branza.

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