Am pentru voi cea mai simpla reteta de gaufre low carb ever: blenderul face compozitia in cateva secunde si aparatul de gaufre le coace in doar cateva minute! Super bune, veti parea un Masterchef in fata familiei cand le veti servi aceste delicioase gaufre cu orice topping doriti: dulceata, fructe, iaurt, sirop de artar, crema de ciocolata, unt de arahide si cate si mai cate! :)

Ingrediente (8-10 buc):

  • 4 oua
  • 50g unt
  • 150g faina de migdale
  • 75ml lapte de migdale
  • 1-2 lg tagatoza (sau alt indulcitor)
  • 1/2 lgt scortisoara
  • 1 lgt praf de copt
  • 1/2 lgt extract de vanilie

Taiem untul cubulete si mixam in blender toate ingredientele, pana obtinem o compozitie omogena grosuta, ca laptele batut. Incalzim aparatul de gaufre cu 5 minute inainte. Turnam din compozitie cu polonicul si lasam aparatul sa isi faca treaba, aprox 2-3 min, in functie de forma aparatului si de cata compozitie ati turnat.

Cand gaufrele sunt destul de rumene, le scoatem usor din aparat si repetam procedeul pana terminam compozitia. Pentru ca le-am facut subtirele mi-au iesit 10 bucati. Le servim calde, cu ce dorim, mie imi plac chiar si reci :) Pofta mare!


  • Low-carb: puteti folosi alt indulcitor adecvat: eritritol, tagatozaGreen Sugar, xylitol.
  • Baby-friendly: folositi 1-2 linguri de sirop de artar;
  • Pentru o varianta fara lactate puteti folosi 2 linguri de ulei de cocos in loc de unt;
  • Va recomand sa va luati un aparat de gaufre, eu una regret ca l-am descoperit abia acum, este super util! Modelul meu este acesta :)


I have the most amazing waffle recipe for you, it;s so easy, the blender make the dough and the waffle make bakes them for you. Super tasty, you’ll look like a Masterchef in front of your family when you serve these with so many topping options: jam, yogurt, maple syrup, chocolate spread, peanut butter and oh so much more! :)

Ingredients (8-10 pcs):

  • 4 eggs
  • 50 g butter
  • 150 g almond flour
  • 75 ml almond milk
  • 1-2 tbsp tagatose (or favorite sweetener)
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Cut the butter into cubes, then place all the ingredients in the blender and mix well until smooth, like thick buttermilk. preheat the waffle maker 5 minute before. Pour batter into the waffle make and let it cook for about 2-3 min, depending on the shape and amount of batter.

When the waffles are done, gently remove them form the device and repeat until you finish the dough. I got 10 pieces because I made them thin. Enjoy!

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