Pentru ca am primit o sacosa plina cu gutui parfumate de tara, am experimentat pentru prima data o reteta de gem la slow cooker*, si anume gem de gutui, unul din gemurile mele preferate :) L-am indulcit cu putina miere si a iesit tare gustos si parfumat, in weeekend voi dubla sau tripla portiile, acum am facut doar de test :)) Delicios pe paine prajita cu unt, miammm…

Ingrediente (1 borcan de 500ml):

  • 1 kg gutui*
  • 2-3 lg miere
  • 1 pastaie de vanilie
  • sucul de la 1 lamaie

Curatam gutuile si le dam pe razatoare sau le tocam cubulete. Eu le-am taiat cu ustensila cu care tai legumele pentru ciorba, cubulete mici :) Punem gutuile in vasul slowcooker-ului, adaugam miere si sucul de lamaie. Despicam pastaia de vanilie pe lung, razuim semintele cu un cutit si adaugam peste fructe si semintele, si pastaia.

Amestecam putin si programam aparatul pe Low pentru 7-8 ore. Dupa ce timpul s-a scurs, inlaturam pastaia de vanilie si punem gemul intr-un borcan. Eu nu fac cantitati mari, doar pentru cateva borcane, pentru ca le mancam repede si in frigider, de gemuri pentru termen lung se ocupa bunicile :))Pofta mare!

*Cantitate obtinuta dupa curatarea gutuilor de cotor si imperfectiuni. Ale mele au fost „bio” si au avut destule :)


Because I receive a large bag of organic quinces, I tried my first slow cooker jam, because quince jam is my favorite :) I sweetened it only with a little honey, it turned out really tasty and perfumed, I’ll double or triple the quantities during the weekend, this was for testing :) Se delicious on toast and butter yumm!

Ingredients (1x 500ml jar):

  • 1 kg quinces*
  • 2-3 tbsp honey
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • juice from 1 lemon

Core the quinces and finely chop them or grate them. Put them in the slow cooker bowl, add the honey and lemon juice. Split the vanilla bean lengthwise and scrape the seeds. Add both the seeds and the vanilla to the quinces.

Give it all a stir and set the device on Low for 7-8 hours. After the time’s up, remove the vanilla bean and put the jam in a jar. I don’t make large quantities, only for a couple of jars because we eat jams quickly and store them in the fridge, for long term jam I’ve got my grandmas :) Enjoy!

*Quantity of quinces that have been cored, picked and chopped. Mine had quite some imperfections because they were organic :)

2 Comments on Gem de gutui la slow cooker / Slow cooker quince jam

  1. Chiar saptamana trecuta am facut gem de gutui la slow cooker . Ochiometric: gutui curatate cat sa ocupe treisfert din capacitatea de 6l a oalei , 350 ml suc mere , un pic de scortisoara si 2 linguri rase de zahar brun . Pe slow timp de 6 ore … a iesit perfect ! Data viitoare fac cu stevie :)

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