Ma tot intreba lumea ce gem si dulceata folosesc in retete, iar pe langa cele putine ok din comert am zis sa incerc sa fac si eu gem de casa indulcit natural. Ca e si mai bun, si mai ieftin :) Iata reteta mea de gem de zmeura fara zahar, cu 3 variante de indulcitor si 3 variante de a ingrosa gemul ;) E perfect mancat pe paine cu unt, intins pe clatite, in diverse torturi cu fructe si mascarpone, ca acesta, sau chiar si gol, mancat direct cu lingurita, de ce nu? :))
Ingrediente (2 borcane):
- 1 kg zmeura
- 100g Green Sugar Premium 1:2 (sau 200g Green Sugar pudra sau 170g Green Sugar gelifiant*)
- sucul de la 1/2 lamaie
- 2 lgt guma xantan* (sau chia sau agar agar – vezi Note)
Punem intr-o craticioara (ideal non-aderenta) zmeura spalata bine si scursa, sucul de lamaie si indulcitorul folosit. Fierbem totul cam 10-15 min, amestecand des.
Adaugam apoi guma xanthan, omogenizam bine tot si turnam gemul in borcane sterilizate pe care le sigilam inchizandu-le bine si lasandu-le cu fundul in sus :) Mie mi-au iesit 2 borcane de 400ml din aceste cantitati. Enjoy!
- Daca folosim Green Sugar gelifiant il dizolvam in 100 ml de apa, apoi fierbem toate ingredientele pana se ingroasa. Si omitem agentul de ingrosare (guma xanthan, agar agar, chia) pentru ca Green Sugar gelifiant deja contine agar agar.
- Puteti ingrosa compozitia si cu 10g de agar agar dizolvat in 50ml apa rece si adaugat la final in gem. Se mai fierbe 5 min apoi.
- Sau puteti ingrosa gemul cu seminte de chia. Adaugati 5 linguri de seminte de chia la final, amestecati bine si le lasati sa se umfle. Apoi turnati gemul in borcane.
Galerie foto
Everyone keeps asking me what jam or preserve I use in my recipes, and other than the few ok store bought ones, I thought I’d make my own homemade version, with natural sweetener. Because that’s cheaper and better :) So here’s my sugar-free raspberry jam recipe, with 3 versions of sweetener and 3 options of thickening agents. It’s perfect on buttered toast, on crepes and pancakes, in cakes like this one or even eaten straight from the jar, plain, why not? :))
Ingredients (2 jars):
- 1 kg raspberry
- 100 g Green Sugar Premium 1:2 (or 200 g Green Sugar pudra or 170 g Green Sugar gelifiant*)
- juice from 1/2 lemon
- 2 tsp xanthan gum* (or chia or agar agar – see notes)
Heat the washed raspberry in a non stick saucepan, lemon juice and sweetener. Boil for about 10-15 min, mixing often.
Then add the xanthan gum, mix well and pour into sterilized jars that you seal by flipping them upside down :) I got 2 400ml jars form these quantities. Enjoy!
- Is you use Green Sugar gelifiant disolve it in 100ml of water, then boil all the ingredients until cooked and thick enough, And skip the thickening agent, it already has agar agar.
- You can thicken the mixture with 10 g of agar agar disolved in 50 ml cold water and added to them jam in the end. Boil 5 more min after.
- Or you can thicken the jam with chia seeds. Add 5 tablespoons of chia seed in the end and mix welll, letting it fluffen up :) Then pour the jam into jars.