De cand am nascut si alaptez jur ca nu mai pot pune gura pe o prajitura de cofetarie :) Dulcele meu consta acum doar in ingrediente naturale: miere, nuci, seminte, fructe… Ce e mai bun pentru printesa mea care creste vazand cu ochii :) Asa mi-a venit ideea acestui desert minunat: gem raw de turta dulce.
- 200g migdale crude
- 200g caju crud
- 4 lg sirop de agave
- coaja rasa de la 1 portocala
- 1 lgt scortisoara
- 1/2 lgt ghimbir proaspat ras (sau pudra)
- 1/4 lgt cuisoare macinate
- 1/4 lgt nucsoara macinata
- 1/4 lgt anason macinat
- 50-100 ml apa plata (sau in functie de consistenta dorita)
Mixam in robotul de bucatarie toate ingredientele, potrivind dupa gust cat de dulce sa fie si oprind din cand in cand aparatul pentru a lua compozitia de pe pereti. Dureaza ceva, in functie de puterea robotului.
Cand gemul are consistenta dorita (reglata din cantitatea de apa, ochiometric) il depozitam intr-un borcanas dragut si savuram o lingurita-doua cand ne e pofta de ceva bun, exact ca pe dulceata :) Pofta mare!
Since I gave birth and I am breastfeeding I swear I can’t eat a single bite of a sweet shop cake :) My desserts are now made up of natural ingredients: honey, nuts, seeds, fruit… The best for my princess that’s growing sooo fast :) That’s how I came up with the idea for this desserts: raw gingerbread jam.
- 200 g raw almonds
- 200 g raw cashews
- 4 tbsp agave syrup
- zest of 1 orange
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp grated ginger (or powdered)
- 1/4 tsp ground cloves
- 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
- 1/4 tsp ground star anise
- 50-100 ml water (or depending on the desired consistency)
Process everything in the food processor, adjusting the sweetness by taste and stopping from time to time to scrape down the walls. It takes a while, depending on the power of the processor. When the jam has the desired consistency (adjusted by the amount of water), store in a cute jar and enjoy a teaspoon or two whenever we crave for something sweet, just like preserve :) Dig in!