Tava de gogosi e cea mai buna investitie, ma ajuta sa fac la cuptor numai bunatati aratoase, dar daca nu o aveti (se gaseste cam greu) nu e nici o problema, puteti folosi orice forme de silicon pentru briose ;) Azi am pentru voi o super reteta: gogosi coapte cu branza. Sunt dementiale si va zic doar atat: branza dulce + miere + coaja de lamaie + vanilie = love :) Si servite cu iaurt gras si dulceata homemade chiar sunt un super desert care e si destul de hranitor :)
Ingrediente (9 gogosi):
- 400g branza de vaci
- 2 oua
- 3 lg miere*
- 4 lg fulgi de ovaz (55 g)
- semintele de la 1/2 pastaie de vanilie
- coaja rasa fin de la 1 lamaie
Macinam fin fulgii de ovaz in blender/robotul de bucatarie/rasnita. Batem ouale cu mierea si branza de vaci, omogenizam bine totul cu un tel, pana dispar cocoloasele. Adaugam fulgii de ovaz rasniti, vanilia, coaja de lamaie.
Punem amestecul intr-o punga careia ii taiem varful si spritam compozitia in tava de silicon pentru gogosi, nu umplem pana sus formele. Mi-au iesit 9 bucati.
Le coacem cam 35 de min la 170C, pana se „bronzeaza” frumos si sunt ferme la atingere. Asteptam sa se raceasca, apoi le scoatem usor din forme si le pudram cu indulcitor. Bune rau! :)
*Baby-friendly: pentru copii sub 1 an folositi foarte putin sirop de artar (1 lingura).
The donut silicone mold is the best investment ever, I can bake the most amazing guilt-free goodies with it :) But it’s ok if you don’t have one, you can use any silicone muffin molds instead. I have a super recipe for you today: cheese baked donuts :) They are delicious and all I can say is that cottage cheese + honey + lemon zest + vanilla = love :) And if you serve them with Greek yogurt and homemade jam, that makes a yummy and pretty nutritious dessert :)
Ingredients (9 donuts):
- 400 g cottage cheese
- 2 eggs
- 3 tbsp honey
- 4 tbsp oat flakes (55 g)
- seeds from 1/2 vanilla bean
- finely grated zest of 1 lemon
Finely grind the oat flakes into flour using the blender. Whisk the eggs with the honey and cottage cheese and mix everything well, until there are no lumps.
Add the ground oats, vanilla and lemon zest. Put the mixture in a plastic bag, cut the end and pipe into the donut pan, only 2/3, don’t overfill. I got 9 donuts.
Bake for about 35 min, until nicely „tanned” and firm to the touch :) Let them cool a little, then remove the donuts from the pan, powder with sweetener and enjoy! Yummy! :)
Buna seara, ce branza de vaca ati folosit?
Buna Carmen, una simpla la galetusa de 1kg de la Lidl ;) Seara frumoasa!
Nu am tava de gogosi ci doar de briose. Merge si asa?
Buna Catalina, sigur, merge si asa :) Pupici!