Da, ati auzit bine :) Gogosi fara zahar, yupiii! :))  Am reinventat o reteta clasica intr-o varianta mai sanatoasa si mai slab calorica. Trebuie sa o incercati, atat va zic :)


  • 250g faina
  • 125ml lapte vegetal
  • 40g Green Sugar + extra pentru topping (are 0 calorii si e natural, need I say more? :))
  • 2 oua
  • 5g drojdie uscata
  • 75ml ulei vegetal
  • 1/2 lgt pudra de vanilie
  • 1 praf de sare

Incalzim putin laptele vegetal si dizolvam in el drojdia si pudra de Green Sugar. Apoi adaugam restul ingredientelor, amestecam bine cu un tel si punem vasul intr-o loc cald pentru 30 de minute.

Spritam compozitia in tava pentru gogosi (gasiti aici) si le coacem cam 25 de minute la foc mediu (170 C), in functie de cat de mare e tava. Le udam putin cu o pensula si le pudram cu Green Sugar :) Pofta maaare!

*Daca nu aveti tava pentru gogosi nu e nici o problema: modelati niste bilute din aluat, le aplatizati usor cu palmele si le coaceti intr-o tava normala tapetata cu hartie de copt. Nu vor arata la fel, insa vor fi la fel de gustoase :)


Yeah, you heard me :) Sugar-free donuts, yeeei! :)) I reinvented a classic recipe into a healthier and lighter version. You have to try it, I’m telling you :)


  • 250 g plain flour
  • 125 ml vegetable milk
  • 40 g stevia extract powder+ extra for the topping
  • 2 eggs
  • 5 dry yeast
  • 75 ml vegetable oil
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
  • 1 pinch of salt

Dissolve the stevia and yeast into the heated milk, then add the rest of the ingredients, stir well and keep the mixture in a warm place for 30 min.  

Put the mixture into a silicon donut pan and bake for about 25 min at medium heat (170 C), depending on the tray size. Gently wet the donuts with a brush and powder them with stevia :) Enjoy!

*If you don’t have a donut pan, it’s not a problem: mold the dough into small balls, flatten them a little with your palm and bake them on a regular tray lined with baking paper. They won’t be as pretty as the donuts in the picture, but they sure will taste the same :)[

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