Am Airfryerul din 2016, dar zau daca inteleg cum de abia ACUM am facut gogosi la Airfryer :)) Sunt dementiale, doar pulverizate cu putiiin ulei, si nu prajite in baie de ulei ca cele clasice, dar mega pufoase, gustoase, pudrate cu indulcitor si scortisoara si umplute cu crema de ciocolata… To die for, ne-am batut pe ele :)) Cele mai bune gogosi la Airfryer! (P.S. – Eu am acest model.)

Ingrediente (40 buc):

Punem mai intai intr-un bol drojdia uscata, 50ml din laptele caldut, 3 linguri de faina si 1 de zahar brun. Amestecam bine si lasam totul 10-15 min la temperatura camerei sa faca bule.

Apoi, fie manual, fie la robotul de bucatarie, incepem sa framantam si sa adaugam restul ingredientelor, alternativ: faina, laptele caldut (NU fierbinte), untul topit si racit, galbenusurile, zaharul brun, pudra de vanilie, coaja de lamaie si un praf de sare. Framantam pana aluatul e neted si lipicios, similar cu cel de cozonac :)

Formam o bila de aluat pe care o punem intr-un bol uns cu ulei, il acoperim cu folie alimentara si lasam aluatul intr-un loc caldut, pana isi dubleaza dimensiunile. Dupa ce si-a dublat dimensiunile, preincalzim Airfryerul la 200C si pulverizam ulei pe gratar.

Intindem aluatul cu sucitorul pe o suprafata pudrata cu faina intr-o foaie grosuta, cam de 1cm, si decupam cerculete, eu am avut un inel cu diametrul de 5 cm. Punem cate 7 gogosi pe gratarul Airfryerului, pulverizam ulei peste ele si le gatim pana sunt rumene, la mine a durat cam 4-5 minute, pentru ca au fost micute.

La jumatatea timpului am mai dat un „fas” de ulei peste ele, sa se rumeneasca frumos si sa adere indulcitorul :) Pot fi doar pudrate cu indulcitor pudra (sau zahar pudra), eu am umplut cateva din ele si cu niste ciocolata topita si „lungita” cu putin lapte :)

DEMENTIALEEE! Ne-am batut pe ele :)) Cred ca sunt delicioase si umplute cu gem sau dulceata… Gogosi la Airfryer.


I have my Airfryer since 2016 and I cannot think of why I made ari fried donuts for the first time now :)) They are amazing, so fluffy, sprayed with just a little oil, not fried in lots of oil like the classic ones, but super tasty, powdered with sweetener and cinnamon and filled with chocolate, mmmm… To die for,we fought over them :)) The best Air Fried donuts!

Ingredients (40 pcs):

  • 500 g flour
  • 10 g dry yeast
  • 100 g brown sugar
  • 250 ml lukewarm milk
  • 80 g butter, melted and cooled
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
  • grated zest of 1 organic lemon
  • spray oil
  • Topping: powdered sweetener, cinnamon
  • Filling: 200 g sugar free chocolate + 3-4 tbsp milk (or jam/preserve)

For the dough first place the yeast, 50ml of the lukewarm milk, 3 tbsp flour and 1 tbsp brown sugar, mix and let it sit for 10-15 min, until bubbly.

Then, either manually or with a stand mixer and hook attachment, start to nead and alternatively add the ingredients: flour, lukewarm milk (NOT hot), melted and cooled butter, egg yolks, vanilla powder, lemon zest and a pinch of salt. Knead until the the dough is smooth and elastic, kinda like sweet bread dough :)

Form a ball of dough, place it in a bowl greased with oil, cover with cling film and let it rise in a warm place until it doubles in size. Preheat the Airfryer at 200C and spray the grill with oil. Roll the dough in a 1cm thick layer and cut out 5 cm circles. Put 7 donuts on the Airfryer grill, spray them with oil and cook for about 4-5 min, until brown enough. Halfway through the „frying” time spray a little more oil over them.

Servem warm powdered with sweetener and cinnamon, I filled a couple with chocolate filling, I think also some jam or preserve filling would be yummy, too. INSANELY good, Enjoy!

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