Facand ordine prin camara mi-am dat seama ca aveam cateva borcane de nuci si seminte pe terminate si, ca sa scap de ele, am pus de-o super reteta! Am adaugat banuti de ciocolata amaruie fara zahar si jumatate din portia de caramele keto pe care le-am facut acum cateva zile siiiii… iata o mega bunaciune de Granola keto cu ciocolata si caramel :) Miammmmm miamm, este suuuper buna!


Tocam grosier toate nucile, fie cu cutitul, fie le pulsam de cateva ori in robotul de bucatarie. Eu aveam deja fisticul si nucile romanesti macinate, am tocat grosier doar nucile braziliene :)

Intr-un bol amestecam toate ingredientele uscate (mai putin ciocolata si caramelele). Ce alte bunatati puteti adauga: chipsuri de cocos, seminte de canepa, migdale, alune de padure, seminte de dovleac, nuci pecan etc.

Topim untul si il turnam peste ele, mozolim bine tot, apoi intindem compozitia uniform pe o tava mare tapetata cu hartie de copt si coacem Granola cam 10-15 min la 170C, doar pana se rumeneste putin.

Adaugam ciocolata maruntita si caramelele tocate cubulete mici. Amestecam bine tot si depozitam Granola intr-un borcan inchis ermetic in frigider (continand unt si carmele cu unt). Se consuma cu lapte de migdale, cocos sau iaurt si in cantitati mici, e foarte satioasa si calorica. Pofta mare! :)


Going through my pantry I found a couple of nuts and seeds jars almost empty so I thought I’d „get rid of them” and made up this amazing recipe! I added some sugar free chocolate drops, half the batch of keto caramels and here goes my amazing.. Keto chocolate caramel granola!


  • 100 g desiccated coconut
  • 40 g Brazilian nuts
  • 40 g pistachio
  • 40 g walnuts
  • 40 g almond flakes
  • 40 g sunflower seeds
  • 50 g butter
  • 100 g sugar free dark chocolate drops
  • 1/2 batch keto caramels (recipe here)

Roughly chop all the nuts, either with your knife or by pulsing them in the food processor. I already had my pistachio and walnuts ground, so I just roughly chopped the Brazilian nuts :)

Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl (except the chocolate and caramels). You can also add coconut chips, hemp seeds, hazelnuts, almonds, pecans, pumpkin seeds, etc

Melt the butter and pour in the bowl, coach everything nicely with it and press the mixture on a large tray lined with baking paper. Bake for about 10-15 min at , just until lovely golden brown.

Add chopped chocolate and chopped caramels, mix well and store in a large jar in the freezer (because there’s butter and butter caramels in this Granola). Serve with almond or coconut milk, or yogurt, but in small portions, it’s very satiating and has plenty of calories :) Enjoy!

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