Un desert clasic reinterpretat in varianta keto/low carb :) Gris fals keto. Consistenta e extrem de similara cu cea a originalului, iar daca folosesti lapte gras de cocos, indulcitor natural cu aroma de caramel si o dulceata de calitate fara zahar, ai un desert delicios foarte comforting si guilt-free :) Da click pe ingrediente pentru a fi redirectionat catre magazin ;)

Ingrediente (2-3 portii):

Pur si simplu incalzim pe foc intr-o craticioara toate ingredientele si fierbem la foc mic, amestecand mereu cu telul, pana compozitia se ingroasa :) Punem in cupe si servim cu ce dorim: dulceata fara zahar, ciocolata fara zahar, fructe de padure.

Lasat la rece, desertul ia forma vasului in care sta, asa ca poate fi rasturnat cu usurinta si decorat frumos, dupa cum vedeti in poze :) Pofta mare!


A classic dessert in keto/low carb version :) The consistency is sper similar to the original and if you use fat coconut milk, stevia caramel sweetener and a good sugar free preserve, you get a super rich, creamy guilt free treat :)

Ingredients (2-3 servings):

  • 400 ml almond/coconut milk (unsweetened)
  • 30 g No Carb porridge
  • caramel stevia sweetener (to taste)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • sugar free preserve, for serving

Just bring to a boil over medium heat all the ingredients in a sauce pan, constantly stirring until it thickens :) Pour in cups and serve with whatever you like: preserve, chocolate, berries :)

If you let it cool, the porridge will take the shape of the dish so you can easily flip it for a nice aesthetics effect :) Enjoy!

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