Gyros de pui la multicooker. Va promisesem de la reteta de pita de casa aceasta minunatie de Gyros de pui la multicooker, a iesit demential, ne-am batut pe el :)) Am folosit functia Turbo de la Multicookerul meu Crockpot Turbo Express si astfel am scurtat si mai mult timpul de preparare, iar carnea a iesit frageda si aromata, datorita gatirii sub presiune.
- 700g pulpe de pui dezosate
- 1 lg ulei de masline
- 250ml apa
- 3 catei de usturoi
- 1 lg otet de mere
- zeama de la 2 lamai
- 3 lg ulei de masline
- 1 lgt sare, 1/4 lgt piper
- 1/2 lgt boia dulce
- 2 lgt condimente pt gyros
- 6 pite de casa* (reteta aici) sau lipii keto
- 200g Tzatziki (sau smantana)
- 200g rosii cherry
- 2 castraveti
- 1 ceapa rosie
- 100g masline Kalamata
- patrunjel
Oferta lunii martie
Noul Crockpot Turbo Express are un pret promotional in luna martie, il puteti descoperi AICI. Siii va ofer pentru el si codul de EXTRA reducere 10% MADELINE10 Am scris aici despre diferentele intre cele 2 multicookere scu gatire sub presiune de la Crockpot ;)
Mod de preparare
Punem pulpele intr-un bol si adaugam peste ele ingredientele pentru marinada: cateii de usturoi pisati, otet de mere, zeama de lamaie, sare, piper, boia si condimentele pentru gyros. Gasiti aici, de exemplu, si contin doar chili, piper negru, piper alb, oregano, busuioc, marjoram, paprika dulce, sare.
Amestecam bine carnea prin marinada, astfel incat sa fie acoperita uniform, acoperim bolul cu folie si il introducem la rece minim 2 ore. Setam multicookerul pe Brown/Saute, 15 minute si adaugam uleiul de masline.
Rumenim carnea in transe, pana se bronzeaza putin. O scoatem pe o farfurie, turnam apa in vasul multicookerului si punem grilajul acestuia. Asezam carnea pe grilaj, punem capacul, il rotim spre pozitia „Inchis”, rotim si valva de presiune spre pozitia „Inchis”. Alegem programul Meat/Poultry pt 10 minute. Eu am selectat si functia Turbo, care scurteaza automat timpul de gatire cu 40%, astfel ca mi-a afisat 6 minute pe ecran :) Aparatul scoate un piuit dupa ce s-a incalzit si programul incepe.
Dupa ce aparatul scoate ultimul piuit, il mai lasam 5 minute, apoi eliberam presiunea rotind valva cu o manusa si cu multa grija, ferindu-ne de aburul fierbinte. Taiem carnea fasiute, apoi asamblam acest minunat Gyros de pui la multicooker:
Pe lipii/pite incalzite (de casa sau cumparate) punem fasii din puiul gatit, felii de rosii, castraveti si ceapa, Tzatziki (nu am apucat sa fac si am folosit smantana :), patrunjel tocat si picurati ulei de masline deasupra. In mod normal trebuie sa si rulati Gyrosul, pitele mele au fost prea mici si dolofane :)) Este o mi-nu-na-ti-e, pofta mare! :)
*Omiteti smantana/Tzatziki pt o varianta fara lactate. Pt varianta low carb/keto, folositi aceste lipii keto :)
Reteta video
I had promised you this Gyros since I posted the homemade pita bread recipe :) It’s insanely delicious, we love it! :)) I used the Turbo function from my pressure cooker and shortened the cooking time even more :)
- 700 g boneless chicken legs
- 1 tsbp olive oil
- 250 ml water
- 3 garlic cloves
- 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- juice from 2 lemons
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp pepper
- 1/2 tsp sweet paprika
- 2 tsp gyros spice mix
- 6 homemade pita bread* (recipe here) or keto tortillas
- 200 g Tzatziki (or sour cream)
- 200 g cherry tomatoes
- 2 cucumbers
- 1 red onion
- 100 g Kalamata olives
- parsley
Put the chicken meat in a bowl and add the ingredients for the marinade: mashed garlic cloves, vinegar, lemon juice, salt, pepper, paprika and gyros spices. Those contain mainly just chili, black pepper, white pepper, oregano, basil, sweet paprika, salt.
Coat the meat well into the marinade, so that it’s fully covered, cover the bowl with clingfilm and place in the fridge for 2 hours. Set the pressure cooker on Brown/Saute, 15 minute and add the olive oil.
Brown the meat in batches until lovely golden brown. Put on a plate, pour 250ml water in the pressure cooker pot, add the rack and put the meat on the rack. Rotate the lid to Closed position, rotate the pressure valve to closed position, too.
Choose Meat/Poultry for 10 minute. I also selected Turbo function, that automatically shortens the cooking time with 40%, so I got 6 min on the display :) When the device stops and beeps one last time, let it 5 min, then carefully release the pressure valve. Cut the meat into strips.
Assemble the Gyros: on the warm pita bread add the strips of the cooked chicken, tomatoes, cucumbers, onion slices, Tzatziki (I didn’t get to make, so I used plain sour cream :), chopped parsley and drizzle olive oil on top. Normally you would roll the Gyros into a wrap, my pit was too chubby :)) Enjoy!