Halva raw vegana31

Intotdeauna mi-a placut halvaua, atat de dulce si aromata, cu gustul acela intens de seminte de floarea soarelui… Asa ca azi pentru prima oara am experimentat o reteta de halva raw vegana :) Buuna de tot a iesit! Chiar daca arata a sapun de casa :)) O voi repeta cu siguranta :)


Punem in robotul de bucatarie semintele de floarea soarelui, susanul, mierea si untul de cacao topit la bain marie. Procesam bine pana la omogenizare.

Cand obtinem o pasta cremoasa si fina o presam bine intr-un vas (am folosit o forma de chec) tapetat cu folie alimentara si il introducem in congelator pana se intareste. Taiem halvaua felii si o savuram :) Pofta mare! Se pastreaza in congelator.


I’ve always been a fan of halva, so sweet and with that intense sunflower seeds flavor… So today for the first time I made my own raw vegan halva :) Super delicious! Even it it looks like home made soap :)) I’ll definitely repeat the recipe :)


  • 250 g sunflower seeds
  • 100 g sesame seeds
  • 100 g honey
  • 25 g cocoa butter

Place the sunflower seeds, sesame, honey and cocoa butter in the food processor. Process well, until obtaining a smooth creamy paste. Press it in a rectangular pan lined with clingfilm and place in the freezer to set. When hard enough, slice and enjoy :) Store in the freezer.

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