Am pentru voi un desert simplissim de vara, fara coacere, fara gluten, vegan, hranitor si suuuper delicios: humus cu ciocolata :) Este fin, cremos si are un gust fantastic de budinca de ciocolata, e minunat servit cu multe fructe sau mancat gol cu lingurita, pentru ca why not? :)


  • 1 conserva de naut (400g)
  • 2 lg tahini
  • 2 lg ulei de cocos
  • 2-3 lg cacao
  • 5-6 lg sirop de artar* (dupa gust)
  • 1 lgt extract de vanilie
  • 1 lgt esenta de rom (sau rom)
  • 1 praf de sare

Punem in blender nautul scurs (eu nu l-am scurs foarte mult, am mai pastrat si niste zeama si a iesit mai lichid, daca il scurgeti bine va fi si mai ferm, Nutella like :) Dar oricum la frigider se mai intareste datorita uleiului de cocos, FYI, aveti si o poza cu crema a 2a zi, dupa ce a stat la frigider :)

Adaugam restul ingredientelor: pasta de tahini, uleiul de cocos, siropul de artar, vanilia, romul, un praf de sare si pudra de cacao. Mixam bine bine de tot pana obtinem o crema fina, ca o sarlota delicioasa :) Pofta mare! Humus cu ciocolata.

*Poate fi indulcit cu miere sau un indulcitor low carb, ca Green Sugar, eritritol, tagatoza etc. Puteti folosi carob (pudra de roscove) pentru copii mai mici si omite romul, daca vreti sa folositi rom si nu esenta :)


I’ve got for you a super simple summer recipe, no bake, sugar free, vegan, gluten free, nourishing and extra delicious: chocolate hummus :) It’s so smooth, creamy and with a fantastic chocolate pudding taste, it’s perfect for serving with plenty of fruit or eaten just like that from a jar :)


  • 1 can of chickpeas (400g)
  • 2 tbsp tahini
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2-3 tbsp cocoa
  • 5-6 tbsp maple syrup* (to taste)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp rum essence (or rum)
  • 1 pinch of salt

Put the drained chickpeas in the blender (I didn’t drain it well enough and left some if the juice, that’s why mine wasn’t so hard, but if you drain it well, you’ll get close to Nutella consistency :) Anyway in the fridge it becomes more solid, thanks to the coconut oil, FYI, you have a pic with the next day consistency, after being stored in the fridge.

Add the rest of the ingredients: tahini, coconut oil, maple syrup, vanilla, rum and a pinch of salt. Blend everything until you get a smooth, creamy chocolate pudding texture :) Enjoy!

*You can also use honey as sweetener or a low carb one like Green Sugar, erytrhitol, tagatose etc. You can also use carob instead of cocoa, for younger kids and skip the rum, if you use instead of essence :)

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